Another Year Ends


Veteran Expediter
Here we are at the end of 2009. Many of us will be evaluating the year and making some decisions for 2010. For many it has not been a good year and we might be questioning our continuation in the business. For others it has been a year of improvement over 2008 as some recovery has come along.

While the economy recovers and business slowly improves I think many of us know that trucking has under gone a few changes over the last two years. There have been several companies close their doors and others have cut back and on top of that there have been several mergers. Result is of course fewer companies competing for a share of the load pie. The lower rates we've witnessed over the last 2 years do not seem to be abating and probably will not for several months yet. I think many companies will look to keep costs down and time deliveries and production in such a way as to be able to take advantage of the lowest possible priced delivery system. Yes expediting will continue and some of us will make money but I think this part of the industry is in for some more changes.

So for all it'll be 2010 next weekend and we have to look forward to what we're going to do to be the most profitable and what will make us money. I've already started my planning and will be trying to implement asap.
What about the rest of you? Got ideas or plans?


Veteran Expediter
2010 for me is going to be all about cost control. I don't see rates going up so further profits must come from reduced expenses. I wasn't too wasteful this year but next year I will really focus on things like, eating in the truck more often, I have to change the way I deal with US money as the spread between the Cdn dollar and the US is starting to widen again, I also need to work on my insurance coverage this year. New accountants and some refinements to my yes no decision process on runs and that should round it out.

I will also likely have to pay up on the 2 bets I lost with transporter this year, long story but the Duke of LaGrange got it right more than me when it was totaled up.


Veteran Expediter
The yes-no decision process that Piper1 mentioned is my current biggie. I've been working on an automated form that I plug the load data into. I can guestimate my calculations as I pry the info out of our dispatchers, but the game is getting so tight that I want to be a little more precise in my decision making. Some companies already provide a good deal of information when presenting a load, but we don't get that kind of information, so I'm setting up my own system.



Veteran Expediter
US Navy
cutting cost:: don't eat in truck stops , 10 bucks a meal is stupid. Don't stay in motels(i ain't rich), Buy tires on sale, shop for ur food at discount stores when u can. Use the paper towels at the fuel islands for napkins. Use truck stop microwave to cook ur food, works for me. Use their hot water from coffee maker to do oatmeal and hot tea. Use their sugar for ur oatmeal and tea or instant coffee and their creamer. save save save on the


Veteran Expediter
I'm sorry, but I watched the guy load the paper towel dispenser at the fuel isle. I'll save those paper towels for wiping off my boots. As for the condiment counter. These are the Great Depression stories from my father who told of the western union message boys making tomato soup from the free hot water, ketchup, and crackers at the diner.



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Depression stories? Shoot, we did stuff like that when I was in the army. The last week before payday things would get tight sometimes. When you only make around $350 and only paid once a month. It was not always easy.


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
Ugh,,we mite be in a recession or depression, u think?? I remember 32 bucks a month pay days in the USN 1966.omy


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I went in June 28, 1970. I think I was paid $165 per month as an E-1. It was right around that. If I remember correctly as an E-4 in 1973, when I got out, I was making $368 per month.


Veteran Expediter
Ok, I'll be the Grinch this time: the last 5 posts have zero to do with the thread, and hijacking is not nice - if you have another topic, start another thread!


Veteran Expediter
Threads flow, stuff happens, that is how life is. Good thing this is not important.

Not important to you, but how about to the OP [original poster]? He requested input on a particular subject, and going off topic in that case is discourteous, IMO.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Cherii, just lighten up. All you needed to do was post back on topic. This is how normal conversation flows. In here and in person. Geez. You mean to tell me that when ever you are in a group conversation that it never strays or flows? How boring that would be.


Veteran Expediter
Layout you remember those once a month payouts eh? Sure did learn how to manage money when getting those!

As for using the gas island paper towels for napkins, well I kinda agree those are for other things. I've cut back the spending a lot and now I brown bag it (alright it's a cooler) but a loaf of bread and cold cuts or other such things can make a weeks worth of lunches. Since I get home several days a week evening meals are ok even if not every nite. I buy things on sale as well to keep costs down.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Oh I do remember. Things got tough back then from time to time. Cut into our drinkin money!! :p Are you prior military? I was not aware that the Canadian military paid monthly as ours did back then.


Veteran Expediter
Cherii, just lighten up.
All you needed to do was post back on topic.
I don't need anyone to put words in my mouth, thank you.
This is how normal conversation flows. In here and in person. Geez. You mean to tell me that when ever you are in a group conversation that it never strays or flows? How boring that would be.
Did you read my words? I said "the OP asked for input on a specific topic" which is not a 'normal conversation'. When a specific request is made, it should be honored by answering the question asked, and resisting the urge to hijack the thread in favor of a conversation of your own choice.
EO will lose much of it's appeal if there are too many 'conversations' between a few [or a group] of regulars, IMO, as the other expediting site proved very clearly, and I'd hate to see that happen, is all I'm sayin.



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Whatever. I have no idea what words I put in your mouth. Besides, I don't have to answer to you anyway. Leave it alone and it will return.