Another Voice Of Reason Is Silenced

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Together we shall learn my friend!! :D I am sure that we are NOT as far apart as it may seem from time to time. ;)

Doggie Daddy

Veteran Expediter
Oh stop the kissey, kissey, huggy, huggy crap..I want to see a real knock em down, drag it out, punch up.....;) In type of course....:rolleyes:

I'm with you Ken,isn't that what this forum is all about? If I want any of that mushy feel good stuff I will go to the Layover lounge or the loading dock.:rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
LOL!!! I THOUGHT this was a thread about REASON? HEHEHE
Would you prefere that I just tell others to "Stick it in their ear?" LOL I ONLY say things like that to OBAMA and Co.!!! :D


Not a Member
Hey Rocket, if someone threating you with accute sudden "lead poisoning" you should inform the police AND an administrator in here. There is NO call for that and you may be in real danger. That is NOT a joke that should EVER be taken lightly.

As to Doug, he crossed the line. We all know where it is. He CHOOSE of his own free will to cross it. He knew what could happen. It did. Too darn bad. I hope he comes back, I enjoyed having a favorite "arch Nemesis"!!!! Many think that these political arguments are bad, they are not. We need MORE public discourse. What we see in the media is VERY one sided and this does NOT allow for true informed voting. That leads to disaster.

I would like to thank you for your post on the Dougtravels matter and not that you didn't already have my respect but you now have my utmost respect for agreeing to disagree with Dougtravels. I've seen some post directed at you that I expected to go in a bad direction but you sucked it up and came out a very respectable MAN. again,THANK YOU.:)


Not a Member
Wah, Wah, Wah, Get Over It Already!! Doug Knew what he was Doing, What He was Saying and The Outcome for Saying What He Said!! So quit The Crying and Whining about it!! He'll Be Back when his Suspension is Over, and All the Crying and Whining Isn't Going to Change The Minds of the Admin. Into Shortening His Suspension!! Move On Till He Comes Back!! :D

Poorboy, I wouldn't be so sure of Doug returning, I would sure hope so but I'm not so sure, He has brought me to tears of laughter at times and that doesn't happen to me very often so I for one hope he does return.


Not a Member
Sadly, the intellectual jumping-jakcs, mental sit-ups, and integrity stand-ups have proved to be a worthless exercise. More is the pity since the Internet is an unreal place where you can make up names and pretend to be anything you want. You can even pretend to be not stoopid. Alas, some are just too stoopid to even do that. They think the Looking Glass is real.

Exactly!!!!! It's about time you realized that and maybe now can be real.


Not a Member
I'm just asking but would an administrator consider this a personal attack? Not that it matters. I can take it, just curious...

I would think if he offered to change your wet diaper than it may be considered personal and not be allowed in this particular forum.:rolleyes:


Not a Member
Bottom line is, Doug was looking to get banned. He is not stupid and he didn't have a blond moment. He knew precisely what he needed to do in oder to get banned, and he did it.

It's getting scary when I agree with Turtle.

The real point is he's not a follower like some.


Veteran Expediter
I actually saw the unedited comments that got DougTravels banned. If you saw them, you wouldn't even ask.

You didn't see them. There was no "them". The collection of letters he used could have been interpreted in more than one way. This in no way should violate the rules of this forum. I'm not sure it even does. I want to see the rules on abbreviations and acronyms..


Veteran Expediter

There is no question what that collection of letters means.

Perhaps...but indulge me for a second:

Highway Star: EO member

Highways tar: Possible road pavement or pot hole repair material..

Are these 2 different things?

The point is somethings aren't always as they seem. The case against Doug is weak at best.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You are really stretching on this one but I will grant it's remotely possible what he put meant something other than what 99.99% of people would say it meant just as someone might include rotflmao and mean something other than the one and only thing it ever means. Doug purposely did what he did knowing the likely outcome. He blew it.


Veteran Expediter
You are really stretching on this one but I will grant it's remotely possible what he put meant something other than what 99.99% of people would say it meant just as someone might include rotflmao and mean something other than the one and only thing it ever means. Doug purposely did what he did knowing the likely outcome. He blew it.

You are likely right. But is there proof?
I recall some one throwing around the term "N" word a while back. In fact I think that might be around the time Doug really started to get who was that?....
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Not a Member
Remotely possible is reasonable doubt. charges should be dropped and Doug should be freed. FREE DOUGTRAVELS!!LOL
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