The EO Soapbox "Most Utterly Retarded Statement Of The Week"
I could never achieve your daily level of performance in this regard,but thank you for trying to share.
2. Rational thought might not be one of your strong suits.
Something you appear to have never been guilty of, probably the poor public education your proud of
Had a wise English teacher fess up in class one day and told us once we get past school unless your a writer talking to your editor or possibly your boss at work. Outside of those to exception anybody who corrects spelling and English in public is in fact trying to cover for there lack of understanding, your posts appear to a prime example of his statement, you can't refute the message so go after the messenger
What size? well most certainly more than live in Luxembourg so bigger than a small nation,unless you live in a convenient special place like yourself where the V.F.D. has a couple million volunteers.
Where do you see only two options when i clearly give 3 Attack, don't attack and wait to attack. thats it as much as you and half the
elite really want it to be more, but there are only 3. there truly is allot less grey in the world than people want to believe.
As for the free trip been there done that, It's why i know what really gets people killed and what doesn't. So easy to be a coward err ..pasifist when you have the strong to protect you(don't bother replying "i never asked for protection" your logic and common sense have already been found wanting, think getting out of the rain)
So we have one group of people that hates whats new about that...many countries hate us but few want to actually kill us...
Heck the Turks hate the Greeks, The Brits hate the Irish, The Spaniards hate the French.
If we didn't give the fanatics a target there would be no killing...
Way back when, if we'd of backed the Arabs instead of the Jews..would we have this Middle East mess?
Oh this goes way past the usually hatred of one country by the next.
We just couldn't keep our nose out of other peoples business.
Oh yes this has worked so well in the past.
Hitler made sure there would be no peace in the Mideast when he used extremist Muslins in the SS, Germany left allot of the mess we have there now. Our
elite appear to forget that Jordan snatched Palestine's land not Israel. But that is what being
elite is living in a convent world like that.
Because having an empire has become such a bad word we do not try and control anything,Empire form, grow then fall apart while doing so let areas that are not ready to take car of them self grow and learn in a safe environment then the empire falls apart leaving several stronger country's in it's wake British empire prime example(India,USA,Canada etc etc)and in the world today there are quite a few nation incapable of managing there affairs.
Very good Layout you see how cause and effect works unlike the elite