Every time we kill the #2 man, the #3 man moves up a notch. There's a long list.
It's very tough to defeat an idea, especially one that's religious-based.We have a LOT of bullets. If we want to stop Al-Qaeda we must be willing to fight for as long as they are. The so-called "Cold war" lasted the better part of 50 years. Did anyone really believe we could win this on in 10?
It's very tough to defeat an idea, especially one that's religious-based.
The idea itself still wouldn't be defeated, which is my point. You can stack bodies all the way to the sky, but the religious-based idea will always be there. Unless you kill the religion, of course. But that has implications of its own.
Clearing out whole towns? And will the mushroom cloud be able to discriminate between those on a jihad and those who aren't?
Well we would also have to rid the world of other religious types too, christian, buddhist, zen thinking and others.
I'm trying to figure out the logic here. Kill everyone and not worry about it?
Don't anyone think that terrorism is not a person place or thing but an idea, or an ideology?
Do you honestly think that all terrorist are Muslim looking people?
It could be the guy down the street who wants to see the end of the US because they hurt baby seals once a long time ago or it could be the girl who wants to end abortion and takes out a floor in the hospital with a body bomb.
We have to figure out what we want in life, to live with this without the worries or to continue to fight an ever lasting battle with no gain possible.
I didn't say that, I said we should clear the towns on foot.
Yes it is an ideology.
The thread is about al qaeda which is a Muslim terrorist organization.
Yes those are examples of potential terrorists.
We are making gains and I think we should change what we are doing to end it quicker.
BUT what good is it going to do, I mean how do you tell one form another?
BUT to many it isn't, it is a religion and it is them against us. When you live in poverty, you have nothing to look forward to in life, how would you think when you have very few things that bind you to a community, especially your religion.
True to a point. The organization is one of thousands, it is not the biggest or the most threatening one around but it also isn't all Muslim for some reason. There are others involved who support the organization and those others could be Chinese or Russian, maybe they are Hindu or other.
So are those who are Muslim, potential is a key word. So we should just view all of them as terrorists and clean out the towns when we can't tell one from another?
No matter how you wish for something that will be impossible, it won't come true. Making gains matters on different levels, to us who seem to be safe behind our tv sets removed from those places where terrorist live, we can say that killing one or another will be a gain or plus but for those who are living there, like say Afghanistan, killing one person is meaningless and doesn't remover either the threat or the real danger.
I think we should seriously reexamine our position in the middle east and see what actually drives people to do these things - mainly if one would listen to the Muslims themselves, they may tell you the same thing I wrote in this post, but on the other hand until we grow up and start acting as this stuff won't beat us down, we will always have to deal with the threat in the way we are doing - with undirected force.
Yup .....Every time we kill the #2 man, the #3 man moves up a notch.
..... and it's growing longer by the day ....There's a long list.
Yup .....
..... and it's growing longer by the day ....
If one checks out alternative media and other sources of true independent, investigative journalism for the actual details of these "operations", rather than accepting the disingenuous pablum that is being spoonfed from various liars in the media/political/military/intel establishment, what one will find is that the truth of what actually happened is almost always very different than the aforementioned liars attempt to portray.
Quite often every time some "key person" gets taken out, a bunch of folks (5, 10, 20, 50 .... pick a number ... ) who aren't key people, and perhaps aren't even sympathetic, get taken out as well.
These folks could be anything - from passing acquaintances who literally have no idea who the "key person" actually is .... to someone who just happens in the vicinity.
IOW, something other than the correct target.
And that doesn't even account for the "Ooopsies .... we made a mistake .... it was actually just some goat herders" (which are not entirely rare, and which inevitably get spun as "a group of suspected insurgents" ....)
Now for those that aren't terribly bright, it is often the case that said "wrong targets" have families, relations, and friends that likely care about them. These folks tend to become rather ****ed off and enraged when their sons/daughters, husbands/wives, brothers/sisters, nieces/nephews and cousins are wantonly slaughtered and murdered. Imagine that.
Perhaps they just fail to understand how a little "shared sacrifice" by all is necessary .... to make the world a safer place ..... ostensibly for Joe Bupkis over here in the US, who sits in his living room flatulating himself, all while viewing today's NFL game or American Idol ..... and musing to himself just how lucky all them furiners are - even if the backwards heathen retards don't realize it - to have the good ol' US of A bringing them "freedom" .....
Perhaps the best defense that anyone might adopt is just simply to avoid doing utterly stupid **** that increases your enemies ranks by orders of magnitude.
Urined off .... there .... I had to say that .... because the built-in EO Censor-Matic™ wouldn't let me say ****ed off above .....
Yup .... no doubt about it: we can make enough of them probably to kill every man, woman, and child on the planet.We have a LOT of bullets.
True .... but that doesn't mean that we have to be stupid about doing it. And, as you know as a former Cold Warrior, there are many ways of "fighting" ....If we want to stop Al-Qaeda we must be willing to fight for as long as they are.
The real questions are:The so-called "Cold war" lasted the better part of 50 years. Did anyone really believe we could win this on in 10?
ROTFLMAO ..... right ... that's why IED attacks have skyrocketed - they're just trying to fake us out:Not much of what you say is accurate or maybe you misstated it. The numbers of terrorists are decreasing not growing by the day.
Right - just like when you pull in and fill up at a gas station far from home and go inside to pay, the clerk that takes your money "knows" all about you, and "who" you are, some local vegetable vendor in Pakistan knows who some guy is, who happens to pull up and hop out of a vehicle to buy tonight's dinner .... because all them Al-Qaeda dudes advertise on TV, and hand out business cards.If you think a passing acquaintance doesn't know who the number 2 guy is then you have been sadly and very poorly misinformed by your alternative sources.
Nope - you altered it - what I said what that the USG will, and has, repeatedly misrepresented and lied about about various operations and who ended up as collateral damage.Even worse is the fact that your poorly informed sources say "a group of suspected insurgents" means goat headers.
.... unless they report actual, documented facts ......Did they also inform you that alternative news sources can just make up what they want and that their reports are only opinion?
An "exception to the rule" eh ?It sounds more like your alternative sources have an agenda as they seemed to have convinced you that the death of a family member causes the family to turn into terrorists, it might be true on a limited basis but is an exception to the rule.
That doesn't even make sense from a common sense perspective, and it's 180 degrees from both the experts and the reality. Hatred of the US is rising all over the world, not because they are jealous of us, but because of our hegemonic foreign policies.The numbers of terrorists are decreasing not growing by the day.