I love the whole premise of the new security measures BUT the seemingly ridiculous measures are over the top but we all NEED this to prevent the worst from happening again...Ive used my TWIC card three times in two years, been in and out of many airports and secure facilities, seems theres not a real STANDARD...When I took the TSA tests for security clearance etc, the tests was really for some third grader....THIS IS A WIRE....When I used to deliver Stationary for United Stationers in Dallas I used to go to Boeing, BELL, TI, EXTRON, and about a hundred other secure facilitys, they rarely ever checked our credentials....seems to be a huge run around for very little real security...
I guess times are changing but I wonder for the MONEY is the return worth it to us taxpayers or are some firms making serious bank over TERROR ALERT, Blah Blah Blah
Being a former cross border specialist in a way...and doing a lot of air freight cross border....since 9/11 security has gotten anal...it is for the most part, a front, a BIG show for John Q public...a look at them and a big feel warm and secure sham....put on with YOUR tax dollars....with the creation of the DHS and then TSA...