This will be my last post in this thread about the history of expediting project. It's time to move on to the actual work.
I knew someone or people would rise to level charges regarding ego and credit. In all productive endeavors in all fields, people always do. Now that we have that predictable development out of the way, my answer is simple.
I'm the editor. If there was no editor (project lead, author, whatever you wish to call it), there would be no book. As all proper books do, this book will acknowledge all contributors and sources in the acknowledgement section (contributors) and notes (sources).
Expediters and industry writers have had many years to write a history of expediting. To date, no one has. Having discovered people's interest in the topic and willingness to help, I thought I'd give it a go.
The history of expediting project in no way precludes others from proceeding with a less formal history of expediting in the EO open forum or any other venue. So too with a Hall of Fame. If you have an idea of what you would like to see happen in either regard, by all means go for it. You will not offend me or anyone else on the team if you do. If history team members wanted to contribute their time and talent to both projects, that would be just fine with me, as long as our history team people conducted themselves professionally and maintained confidences as appropriate.
In fact, this might be a good time for someone (not me) to create a proper expediter hall of fame committee. The committee founder or founders can make the group as open or exclusive and as democratic or dictitorial as they wish. The criteria for hall of fame inclusion can set as committee members deem best, or by a self-appointed individual who simply announces the project and rules, and asks people to support his or her efforts.
The committee could have its organizing meeting face-to-face at the hotel adjacent to the upcoming Expedite Expo. If democracy is desired, time-honored procedures exist for forming such committees in a democratic fashion. Interested people can put those procedures to use, or proceed informally if they think that best.
However it comes into being, I hope someone starts an expediter hall of fame committee or project. There is at least as much interest in an expediter hall of fame as there is in the history of expediting. I believe a number of good folks would rise to help if given the opportunity. All that is needed is for someone to rise and get the ball rolling.
Changing the subject, history team members have barely begun to talk to others about the history of expediting. Already, high-quality support is coming in at a surprising rate. We are learning of photo collections we did not know about before. Friends at Land Line magazine are helping us access info we need to populate time lines. Contacts are being mentioned about who, for example, to contact at a particular entity about that entitie's history. Memories from the road are being shared that are helping to shape the project and it's end result.
In short, a treasure-trove of expediting information is rising almost on its own in response to this project. It seems the history of expediting has a life of it's own and it's story that wants to be told. It's going to be a good deal of work, and a good deal of fun to sort through it all. It is also going to be a sobering responsibility to get it right.
The people who are rising to share their information and to help with the work know this project is not about credit or ego. It's about giving back. It's about producing something good that will be of interest and use to others, now and in the future.
Readers who wish to participate are welcome to do so at any level they wish for as long or brief as they wish.
If you have a few photos to share with notes about what they are, and that's all you wish to add, you are welcome. If you can pledge one day of library research time and no more, we'll find something important for you do do in that day. If you wish to simply submit your recollections from the road to help team members understand what the issues of the early days were, you are urged to do so. If you wish to pour your heart and soul into the project, that energy will be welcome too.
If you wish to help or have something to add, please contact me by private e-mail.
Thank you.
I knew someone or people would rise to level charges regarding ego and credit. In all productive endeavors in all fields, people always do. Now that we have that predictable development out of the way, my answer is simple.
I'm the editor. If there was no editor (project lead, author, whatever you wish to call it), there would be no book. As all proper books do, this book will acknowledge all contributors and sources in the acknowledgement section (contributors) and notes (sources).
Expediters and industry writers have had many years to write a history of expediting. To date, no one has. Having discovered people's interest in the topic and willingness to help, I thought I'd give it a go.
The history of expediting project in no way precludes others from proceeding with a less formal history of expediting in the EO open forum or any other venue. So too with a Hall of Fame. If you have an idea of what you would like to see happen in either regard, by all means go for it. You will not offend me or anyone else on the team if you do. If history team members wanted to contribute their time and talent to both projects, that would be just fine with me, as long as our history team people conducted themselves professionally and maintained confidences as appropriate.
In fact, this might be a good time for someone (not me) to create a proper expediter hall of fame committee. The committee founder or founders can make the group as open or exclusive and as democratic or dictitorial as they wish. The criteria for hall of fame inclusion can set as committee members deem best, or by a self-appointed individual who simply announces the project and rules, and asks people to support his or her efforts.
The committee could have its organizing meeting face-to-face at the hotel adjacent to the upcoming Expedite Expo. If democracy is desired, time-honored procedures exist for forming such committees in a democratic fashion. Interested people can put those procedures to use, or proceed informally if they think that best.
However it comes into being, I hope someone starts an expediter hall of fame committee or project. There is at least as much interest in an expediter hall of fame as there is in the history of expediting. I believe a number of good folks would rise to help if given the opportunity. All that is needed is for someone to rise and get the ball rolling.
Changing the subject, history team members have barely begun to talk to others about the history of expediting. Already, high-quality support is coming in at a surprising rate. We are learning of photo collections we did not know about before. Friends at Land Line magazine are helping us access info we need to populate time lines. Contacts are being mentioned about who, for example, to contact at a particular entity about that entitie's history. Memories from the road are being shared that are helping to shape the project and it's end result.
In short, a treasure-trove of expediting information is rising almost on its own in response to this project. It seems the history of expediting has a life of it's own and it's story that wants to be told. It's going to be a good deal of work, and a good deal of fun to sort through it all. It is also going to be a sobering responsibility to get it right.
The people who are rising to share their information and to help with the work know this project is not about credit or ego. It's about giving back. It's about producing something good that will be of interest and use to others, now and in the future.
Readers who wish to participate are welcome to do so at any level they wish for as long or brief as they wish.
If you have a few photos to share with notes about what they are, and that's all you wish to add, you are welcome. If you can pledge one day of library research time and no more, we'll find something important for you do do in that day. If you wish to simply submit your recollections from the road to help team members understand what the issues of the early days were, you are urged to do so. If you wish to pour your heart and soul into the project, that energy will be welcome too.
If you wish to help or have something to add, please contact me by private e-mail.
Thank you.