A cowardly murderer is released from jail.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
What do you get for cowardly murdering a young couple in cold blood? 15 years in jail for each victim, a hero's celebration and plenty of money for your deed to live comfortably for the rest of your life when you get out. This scumbag shouldn't have seen freedom ever again. A stupid thing to let him walk, as well as other murderers to 'advance the peace process'. For some fools he is considered a hero. He really is just a unremorseful coward.
The Jewish Press » » Murderer of Israeli Students Given Cash Prize, Employed, Promoted
From article:
On October 22, 1984, two Hebrew University students went hiking. Revital Seri, 22, and her friend Ron Levi, 23, were hiking in a wadi near the Cremisan Monastery south of Jerusalem.

A 19 year old Palestinian Arab who had stolen a weapon from a soldier was waiting for Jews to kill. When he saw Revital and Ron, he tied up both of them, put bags over their heads, pronounced their “sentence,” and shot them, killing each with one bullet to the head.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
He put one bullet each into their heads. That should have earned him two bullets in his head. And now, we turn the mic over to our usual apologists.


Veteran Expediter
What do you get for cowardly murdering a young couple in cold blood?
What does one get for murdering Palestinian men, women, and children ?

If you're an IDF soldier, probably nothing whatsoever ... at least in terms of punishment ... at best (or worst, depending on one's viewpoint) maybe an investigation which goes nowhere, and maybe in which you'll likely be absolved.

Maybe a lot of sympathy from those in Israeli society who understand what a horrible burden it is for some poor young soldier have to subjugate the untermenschen who apparently don't realize that human rights are only for their betters ...

The IDF has no mercy for the children in Gaza nursery schools - Haaretz

This scumbag shouldn't have seen freedom ever again.
Well, if you were to apply that premise in an unbiased, even-handed manner then significant numbers of Israeli security forces would be locked up and we'd throw away the key ...

Of course, we all know that you won't be doing that now don't we ?

A stupid thing to let him walk, as well as other murderers to 'advance the peace process'.
People get killed in wars all the time right ?

It's just "collateral damage" isn't it ?

Seems like that's a rather common refrain from the jackboots thugs on the authoritarian political Right to cavalierly dismiss the loss of innocent life ...

For some fools he is considered a hero.
Some fools consider land thieves and murderers "heros" ... perhaps just because they wear a uniform ... or belong to the "right" religious or ethnic group ...

He really is just a unremorseful coward.
There's plenty of them out there ... even some who wear a uniform and belong to the "right" religious or ethnic group ...



Veteran Expediter
He put one bullet each into their heads. That should have earned him two bullets in his head.
I'm sure you would be the kind to volunteer to pull the trigger ...

And I'm also quite sure Jeebus™ would be rooting for ya all the way ... ;)

And now, we turn the mic over to our usual apologists.
Sounds like you are conflicted and want to keep the mic for yourself ...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
He put one bullet each into their heads. That should have earned him two bullets in his head. And now, we turn the mic over to our usual apologists.

You got that right. Every sentence.


Veteran Expediter
Redemption - of the kind which only those of moral clarity, courage, and honesty can obtain.

From the "About Us: Organization" page of "Breaking the Silence", an Israeli NGO:

Breaking the Silence is an organization of veteran combatants who have served in the Israeli military since the start of the Second Intifada and have taken it upon themselves to expose the Israeli public to the reality of everyday life in the Occupied Territories. We endeavor to stimulate public debate about the price paid for a reality in which young soldiers face a civilian population on a daily basis, and are engaged in the control of that population’s everyday life.

Soldiers who serve in the Territories witness and participate in military actions which change them immensely. Cases of abuse towards Palestinians, looting, and destruction of property have been the norm for years, but are still explained as extreme and unique cases. Our testimonies portray a different, and much grimmer picture in which deterioration of moral standards finds expression in the character of orders and the rules of engagement, and are justified in the name of Israel's security. While this reality is known to Israeli soldiers and commanders, Israeli society continues to turn a blind eye, and to deny that what is done in its name. Discharged soldiers returning to civilian life discover the gap between the reality they encountered in the Territories, and the silence about this reality they encounter at home. In order to become civilians again, soldiers are forced to ignore what they have seen and done. We strive to make heard the voices of these soldiers, pushing Israeli society to face the reality whose creation it has enabled.

We collect and publish testimonies from soldiers who, like us, have served in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem since September 2000, and hold lectures, house meetings, and other public events which bring to light the reality in the Territories through the voice of former combatants. We also conduct tours in Hebron and the South Hebron Hills region, with the aim of giving the Israeli public access to the reality which exists minutes from their own homes, yet is rarely portrayed in the media.

Founded in March 2004 by a group of soldiers who served in Hebron, Breaking the Silence has since acquired a special standing in the eyes of the Israeli public and in the media, as it is unique in giving voice to the experience of soldiers. To date, the organization has collected more than 700 testimonies from soldiers who represent all strata of Israeli society and cover nearly all units that operate in the Territories. All the testimonies we publish are meticulously researched, and all facts are cross-checked with additional eye-witnesses and/or the archives of other human rights organizations also active in the field. Every soldier who gives a testimony to Breaking the Silence knows the aims of the organization and the interview. Most soldiers choose to remain anonymous, due to various pressures from official military persons and society at large. Our first priority is to the soldiers who choose to testify to the public about their service.
Breaking the Silence - Israeli soldiers talk about the occupied territories


Veteran Expediter
The following is a video from Breaking the Silence, entitled "Burning Conscience: Israeli Soldiers Speak Out"

From the description of the video:

A searing interview with Avichai Sharon and Noam Chayut, both veterans of the Israeli Defense Forces and members of Breaking the Silence. Sharon and Chayut served during the second intifada, an on-going bloodbath that has claimed the lives of over three thousand Palestinians and nine-hundred-fifty Israelis. After thorough introspection, these young men have chosen to speak out about their experiences as self-described "brutal occupiers of a disputed land." Producer: Sat Gwin



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
More on the cowardly murderers that were released. I'm sure they are applauded by certain 'apologists'.
Israel may pay for tolerance
it shows to killers
FEBRUARY 10, 2014 12:00AM

Palestinians celebrate the release of Palestinian militants from Israeli prisons. Source: Supplied
IF most Palestinians thought like most Israelis, peace would come to their lands.

If most Israelis thought like so many Palestinians — from its leader Mahmoud Abbas down to the shiftless youths seeking to meet Allah via Semtex and Jewish blood — there would be many fewer than the 4.3 million of them.

The tolerance of Israel, as its neighbours bait it, bomb it and demand its destruction, surprises me. Three rockets were fired from Gaza in to southern Israel as I wrote this piece.

The United Nations — a corrupted farce that entertains the destructiveness of Arab self-loathing as if it had the gravitas of fully formed democracy — often condemns Israel.

A wry smile at such absurdities should be allowed. But recent events prove that Israel seeks peace and the Palestinian leadership does not.

To make progress with talks to find a solution to the region’s problems that I am not sure the Palestinians even want, Israel has been releasing from its jails some of the Middle East’s worst killers.

A third tranche walked free on New Year’s Eve; a fourth will do so soon.

It’s a brave decision orchestrated by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who is usually portrayed as a hawk. And it has excited much opposition from the people who elected him: perhaps up to 70 per cent of Israelis disagree that Palestinian terrorists should be released early from jail.

At least in jail, they can’t kill more innocents.

Rest assured, now that they have been freed and welcomed home as heroes, they will kill again.

Among the murderers released so far have been Yacub Ramaddan, Muhammad Mahmoud and Afana Muhammad who slashed the throat of mother of seven Sara Sharon and left a note on her body that read “We will continue killing Jews ... ”.

Also freed have been Muammar Mahmoud and Salah Ibrahim who stabbed to death an acclaimed history professor, the elderly Menahem Stern, as he walked to the library of his university.

Not long before Stern’s murder, another young Palestinian grabbed the wheel of a bus travelling between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and forced it off a cliff.

It caught fire and passengers were burned alive. Sixteen were killed.

That was Abed Ghaneim’s handiwork. He’s been freed, too.

But what should deeply concern us is that these barbarians are feted at home as living saints.

Take Issa Abd Rabbo. When he was released recently, he was welcomed home personally by the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, who raised Rabbo’s hand in victory and referred to the double killer as a hero.

He calls men like Rabbo “the best of the Palestinian people”.

Rabbo killed two university students, Revital Seri, 22, and her friend Ron Levi, 23.

The murderer was interviewed on television the other day. I’ll let him describe what happened:

“There was supposed to be a military operation shooting at a bus transporting Israeli soldiers ... I was surprised when on my way to the area, I waited, waited and waited and the bus didn’t come.

“I was forced to carry out an operation on my own, an improvisation, I took it upon myself.

“An Israeli car approached, with two in it. I said, here’s a chance and I don’t want to return empty-handed. They left the car ... and sat down under a pine tree.

“I went down to them. Of course I was masked and was carrying a rifle. He asked me: ‘Are you a guard here?’ I told him: ‘No, I’m in my home.’

“I told him: ‘You are not allowed here. This is our land and our country. You stole it and occupied our land and I’m going to act against you.’ They were surprised by what I told them. I tied them up, of course, and then sentenced them to death by shooting, in the name of the revolution.

“I shot them, one bullet each, and went [hiding] in the mountains ... I went to my aunt and told her: ‘We have avenged Muhammad’s blood.’

“I told her: ‘Instead of one, we got two!’ She cried out in joy.”

The bloodlust of these insane young Arab men and the manner in which their leaders promote the carnage against their neighbours is endlessly depressing.

Less than 200km north of the site of Rabbo’s grotesque act of terror lies a hill just west of the Sea of Galilee.

Long ago a modest young man ascended it and spoke to a group of people he had impressed with his ideas of peace and goodwill towards others.

“Blessed are the peacemakers,” he famously uttered.

I guess you know who he was talking about.

Alan Howe is Herald Sun executive editor

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Veteran Expediter
As i see it if someone put bags over 2 people heads and then shot them here in the usa they would just get 30 years worth of appeals.....killing is wrong unless its self defence.....the whole point of the op is thos guy killed 2 people and got out of jail free


Expert Expediter

Where is the moral outrage from our usual hypocrite crowd ?

... oh ... wait ... nevermind:

Palestinian child shot dead by IDF in occupied West Bank

Hey Al Gore.........did you forget to ADD this little snippet from your own Link:

[We] had to fire, had to kill, because it was either they [get] us, or we – them. I can’t say I’m proud of that. It’s scary, especially when children run with Molotov cocktails, and they send children, to turn the attention to them, little kid, barely walking, 3-4 years old.

Or was that a little too Inconvenient for you.............:rolleyes:


Expert Expediter
....and then reading into it a little more.......there's this:

Q: The day when Yasef {Yaser} Arafat died, there was a massive riot by Arabs. They were shooting at the unit, I saw that there were hits, I saw ..head.. . They always told us to shoot in the air, at the feet, and [...] the soldiers understand that if you keep shooting like that, you will be gone. So we had to fire, had to kill, because it was either they [get] us, or we – them. I can’t say I’m proud of that. It’s scary, especially when children run with Molotov cocktails, and they send children, to turn the attention to them, little kid, barely walking, 3-4 years old…

Q: But children are too…

A: Explode…? {Completes his sentence} They, suicide bombers explode in the trains… They, the terrorists, have a known tariff, an adult terrorist worth 30,000 dollars, a child – 50,000. The Hamasniks paid to the Arabs. And mothers say – so what, we can give birth to five more.

Q: Wait, so the mother sent her child…?

A: For them it’s normal, for them it’s normal, yes


Retired Expediter
Free?....The guy served 30 years in a prison in the middle east...you kidding me.....most Americans/Can. wouldn't survive 10 years let alone 30 in conditions like that....he served his time as dictated by the courts.....end of story....


Veteran Expediter
As i see it if someone put bags over 2 people heads and then shot them here in the usa they would just get 30 years worth of appeals.....killing is wrong unless its self defence
As long as you're willing to hold IDF soldiers who target innocent civilians for no justifiable reason, and other Zionists engaged in similar acts of "terror" to the same standard I got no problem with it.

Of course, if you don't then it would necessarily mean you are being hypocritical.

And that doesn't even get to the question of how you would view things if the Chinese or Russians invaded our country and began to colonize it under a brutal military occupation, using dispossession and land theft, and ethnic cleansing ...

Would the "civilian" Chinese or Russian colonists be a legitimate target for your wrath, in order to rid your motherland of the foreign oppressors ?

Or would you content yourself with only focusing on their military, who has you vastly outgunned ?

.....the whole point of the op is thos guy killed 2 people and got out of jail free
Prisoner releases occur as a part of armed, military conflicts all the time.

I rather imagine that these do on some occasions include people who have murdered others.

Some thoughts on the matter from an interview of Noam Chayut, a former IDF soldier who appears in the video I linked earlier in this thread:

AN: I saw you speak on a video of a Breaking the Silence meeting where a participant raises the issue of accountability for war crimes committed by soldiers. You did not evade your responsibility. Can you clarify what justice means for you?

NC: On a high political level I would say that justice means equality or seeking equality. When people go to one state, two state, this kind of federation, then I say, guys, if we are talking about equality, we will find out the way. From a personal point of view, it is the same answer.

Justice means equality. You can choose. You can either put me in jail for twenty years for things that I did or you can release the [Palestinian] prisoners that have done much less violence than me. And since the political power is as it is, they are serving in jail for their share in the violence, and I am free and privileged. If you ask me, I want them to be released and I don’t want myself to serve in prison.

One thing I hope is that anyone who reads the book or Breaking the Silence material would dare to ask him or herself: where am I in this story, what can I do? It is not enough to know and to be moved to cry. It is a call to act.

People have responsibility; it is not difficult to find the responsibility. Of course, my responsibility is greater than others. But others should act as well and there is a lot to do. Western societies have a lot of power and Israel is not asked to pay any political price for what we are doing. A society should pay a price for oppressing civilians with military forces.
You can read the whole interview at the following link:

Brutality is "in my veins," says former Israeli soldier


Veteran Expediter
Hey Al Gore.........did you forget to ADD this little snippet from your own Link:

Or was that a little too Inconvenient for you.............
I didn't forget to "add" anything - I linked the entire article and quoted none of it ...

That is her claim ... which you appear to be willing to accept at face value ...


Retired Expediter
I want to know about the heroic murderers.

Oh that the 4 big brave guys that beat a guy senseless for MAYBE breaking into empty trailers but we don't know of that fact....I see 4 big guys approach me...I blurt out "I have a gun" to try and save myself....but stupidly they keep coming, guess they didn't hear me or they made that story up of me having a gun up to save their butts...who knows...Facts people we need facts....details...