Sorry to bust your Bubble there sweetcheeks..............but it is only Trolling if the masses were possibly offended by what is said..........
There is LESS than a Handful here that believes Trayvon Martin was an actual "Victim".....and that George is Guilty of Murder.
So....again.......try another comeback over this "looking to be / get offended over" agenda you have against just about everything I post.
(Really comical how every anti-Brisco post you make is "LIked" by the same 1 or 2 Followers you have.....and the same how you "Like" their anti-Brisco posts too. Kinda like the little Clique of Snots that hung together in High School that don't realize how despised / annoying they truly are)
Now........Back on Topic..................OK..........................
1) It matters not how many were or weren't offended, it's trolling if the intent was to offend.
2) Neither of the two victims you referred to as 'animals' were ever found guilty of any crime - and even had they been, their "crimes" in no way merits the description. Had they been sadistic child killers, the overly emotional appellation would be understandable, but under the circs, it's pure trolling.
3) My posts are not 'anti Brisco', they're 'anti what Brisco said'. Big difference. Believe it or not, I like having you here - it beats the snot out of boring chatter, anyday. You're welcome.
4) I am pleased that the people who generally 'like' my posts are those who have [and use!] more intelligence & common sense than many. I have little tolerance for morons, & I am proud to call them friends. I'm sorry if you always eat lunch alone, but that's your choice.
5) Don't call me 'sweetcheeks' - I don't like you that much.