3 Reasons Why You Expedite


Staff member
Why do you do what you do?

With the ups and downs we have in this industry - why do you expedite?

Is it freedom? flexibility? Freedom from a desk or factory? Please share your reasons.

We will publish the best responses in the DRIVER SHOUT BOX section of our print magazine - Expedite NOW.

Please list you reply like this:


Your Name
Your Carrier
Your Truck: TT, Straight Truck, Cargo Van

Expediters Online.com

5 out of 4 people don't understand fractions.

37% of Americans agree that while they would hate being British, they wouldn't mind having a British accent.

99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name.

I hate the country, all those animals walking around un-cooked.

Thanks For Visiting EO!


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Veteran Expediter
Lawrence, I guess I will be the first.

1. Because I live in Michigan and there are no jobs here - last option
2. Enjoy the open road and love to travel but do not treat this as a paid tourist thing but a real job
3. Like new experinces

Oh I drive the ST


Seasoned Expediter

1. Every day we get to see something new it is like a big adventure out here something we would never see if we were at home. ( I quote the different factorys and companys we get to go to see things made.)

2. We love to travel so get to do this job and get paid to see our wonderful county plus canada that we never had got to or even think we could do own our own.

3. We also get to make our own choices without having a boss looking over your shoulder and making alot of decision we would never think you would make.

We yall know that we have headaches that come with this job but we are not confine in a office or factory we get to move an there is alot that you learn out here and you are just not stuck in a truck.

God Bless
Be safe and take care

Scott and Helen
Str trk :) :7


Seasoned Expediter
1. Independence that comes with being your own boss.

2. Income potential

3. It really is nice to see parts of the country I would have otherwise never seen.

Andy Lanier
FedEx Custom Critical
D unit Straight Truck


Staff member
1. Money

2. Having our own business

3. Getting to see the country and take advantage of where we layover to see the sites.


Veteran Expediter
1) Freedom of setting my own hours
2) Travel
3) Income$$$

Jim Short
Cargo Van

Owner/Operator since 1979
Expediter since 1997
B Unit Semi Retired
Somedays are Diamonds and Somedays are Stones
Home is Wherever you Park.
The Price of Freedom is Written on the Wall.


Seasoned Expediter
Reasons why we expedite:

1. We believe in the "American Dream" and expediting has proven to be an extremely viable avenue to that accomplishment. Where else can you build a company with excess of 2 million dollars in revenue in less than 2 years with no bank financing......just the money you make running your truck.

2. The thrill we get from traversing the most beautiful and varied country in the world. To wake up to a different sunrise and watch a different sunset every day. "America The Beautiful" is brought to life in every run we have.

3. The ability to visit any family member we want to whenever we want..we are not tied down to 2 weeks vacation a year and having to decide where we want to travel to. We can see my family in Louisiana during Thanksgiving and Terri's in AZ at Christmas and all of our friends from the northwest coast to the southeast whenever we like. Knowing where the best bass lakes are in SC and WI....there is nothing else that compares to the personal freedom of expediting. We do not have to run the wheels off our truck to make money but can instead enjoy what we do because compensation is so much better.

Charlotte Johnson and Terri Turner
Panther Expedite
Truck 9336 Tractor


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
1. Increase our income.
2. Spend more time together (husband/wife team).
3. See the country.

Phil Madsen
FedEx Custom Critical
Straight Truck (CR-unit)


Veteran Expediter
1. Driving around in a van with a company name and logo is less suspicious looking than when I drove around in an unmarked van.

2. I like hanging out in WalMart parking lots. Plus when I go into use the facilities the greeters all say good morning Greg and give me a newspaper.

3. It was the only job I could find after my lobotomy.

Note: The above answers are in no specific order of importance.

Greg Geronsin


Staff member
Thank you all!!

Expediters Online.com

5 out of 4 people don't understand fractions.

37% of Americans agree that while they would hate being British, they wouldn't mind having a British accent.

99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name.

I hate the country, all those animals walking around un-cooked.

Thanks For Visiting EO!

Please Help Us Get The Word
Out About Expediters Online.com!



Not a Member
1. Money (soon to fall off the top 3).
2. I love cramped quarters with angry people.
3. I have a nekkid sleeper fetish.


Expert Expediter
1. Not haveing to wait at Shipper and recievers. Most are glad to
see us.

2. Working smarter not harder.... the Money.

3. As a husband and wife team it was our Dream to be together after
the children were raised and here we are.

Panther Expedited
Phillip and Barb Schneider


Veteran Expediter
>Why do you do what you do?
1: I like the challenge,700 miles over night is where its at

2: with the premiss of working smarter not harder,I get paid for everything I do

3:you might think its the money,but actually its the people I deal with,from dispatch,to the shippers,to the consignies,that are very happy to see me,and their plant will run another day.

and to keep score,I pay my bills with the money I get for keeping all these people happy

as you see,tt fedexcc


Veteran Expediter
I love driving and especially my Truck

Enjoy the factor of satisfying the Carrier, the Customer, and myself by a job well done.

Freedom, yes, but Owning my Own Truck and making all of my Decisions is very Satisfying to myself. Personal Pride I guess is how to describe it.


Veteran Expediter
>I love driving and especially my Truck
>Enjoy the factor of satisfying the Carrier, the Customer,
>and myself by a job well done.
>Freedom, yes, but Owning my Own Truck and making all of my
>Decisions is very Satisfying to myself. Personal Pride I
>guess is how to describe it.

C&M Transport Painesville, Ohio

Straight Truck 2005 KW T-300 22 ft dry van

Kraig Allen 2 and half years.

hino magic

Seasoned Expediter
i have a hard time believing the things you have typed.to begin with not everyone if anyone is going to make 2 million dollars in expediting in a year. also its not as easy as you make it sound to visit family whenever you want too. i have worked for companies that was like pulling teeth to get home without costing me an arm and a leg.i think you should be honest when you send in information so people know the real life as expeditors. you painted a great untrue and unrealistic view of the real life as an expeditor. so unless you can tell the people the truth about expediting, please with hold any of your dreams that you seem to be talking about.


Veteran Expediter
Open mouth, insert foot.

You might find it valueable to read more posts on here b-4 calling someone out. I believe thet are a Fleet owner.

But great first and second posts.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
> Open mouth, insert foot.
> You might find it valueable to read more posts on here b-4
>calling someone out. I believe thet are a Fleet owner.
> But great first and second posts.
Some are experts after being on here less than a week.

22 years
EO moderator