3 Reasons Why You Expedite

hino magic

Seasoned Expediter
i dont consider myself being a pro at anything. i was only making a statement like everyone else does on this forum. i have been in expediting a long time and only was commenting on previous experiences i have been through. i believe someone must have gotten a little confused on what i was trying to say with my comments. i have only been on this forum for less than a week and i dont feel that it disqualifies me from making a true statement.:)


Veteran Expediter
>i dont consider myself being a pro at anything. i was only
>making a statement like everyone else does on this forum. i
>have been in expediting a long time and only was commenting
>on previous experiences i have been through. i believe
>someone must have gotten a little confused on what i was
>trying to say with my comments. i have only been on this
>forum for less than a week and i dont feel that it
>disqualifies me from making a true statement.:)

i have a hard time believing the things you have typed.to begin with not everyone if anyone is going to make 2 million dollars in expediting in a year. also its not as easy as you make it sound to visit family whenever you want too. i have worked for companies that was like pulling teeth to get home without costing me an arm and a leg.i think you should be honest when you send in information so people know the real life as expeditors. you painted a great untrue and unrealistic view of the real life as an expeditor. so unless you can tell the people the truth about expediting, please with hold any of your dreams that you seem to be talking about.
I think you must have misread the post about the Two Million. I think it said that it was over a TWO year period. And second if you would have spent any time reading past threads before calling someone a liar, you would have seen that the person is a fleet owner.
Also if you own your truck you can go home when it suits you. So your having worked for company's that made that hard to do without an arm and a leg in cost, does not truly reflect what an owner of a truck, or a fleet of trucks can see thier way clear to do.

You do not need to be here long to post valuable information, or just post things that interest you. But to come on a web site for one week, and call another member a liar, when you have no idea of who they are, what they do, or what they own, is the wrong way to introduce yourself.


Seasoned Expediter
I've been thinking about this for awhile....and i find my answers land somewhere between greg334 and moot. I find myself enjoying the scenery and new experiences maybe less than a third of the time, (true, it was probably more the first two or three years). The money thing...well...it's so un-predictable. The good weeks are mostly leveled out by the bad. Visiting freinds and family who live out of town,well, the trade off is not being home for important things going on there. Vacations are, (or should be anyway), dictated by slow freight periods and financial considerations. The pressure to do well might not be dictated by production quotas, but, finances. I suppose i'd like this stuff better if my kid was all grown up and i had a wife or girlfriend who was of the type and temper to do and enjoy this, possibly as a second career. Prefferably after the mortagage is secure, with provisions for a 401K and medical,dental and vision insurance. Mostly i just grind through it all, while day dreaming about winning the lottery, or, at least hoping something better will eventually come along. So...let's see, to put this in lawrences' requested list form, it would go something like this; 1.Gives me plenty of time to day dream about winning the lottery! (scrambles to make ends meet) 2. Gives me ample opportunity to explore chain store and rest area facilities for home decorating idea's! (scrambles to find places to relieve oneself) 3. Gives me plenty of time and fodder to pontificate on in various forum's! (scrambles to find things to do to relieve stress and not go over the edge....with-out spending money)


Seasoned Expediter
1- Anyone can pee in a toilet but only a seasoned expediter with years of training can pee in an empty pop bottle at 0300 in januaray with wind gusts over 50mph at some rest stop with one working light and nowhere to park while the QC and cell phone are going off to see why your not moving.

2- I hate regualr sleeping hours, warm home cooked meals, hot showers at home, steady pay checks, slippers, sunday papers, and nightly news on the coach with a freshly delivered pizza.

3- Maybe just maybe on a good day I can be lucky enough to be driving east threw chicago into the blinding rising sun with no idea which lane Im in cuz they are all tore up now while my hands bleed from holding on to the steering wheel as I find myself praying out load listing to the bible thumper station because at any given time 10 other vehicles that cant see me may smash into my truck. Keep in mind I am in chicago so these other vehicles that are moving at Mach8 cant see me anyway. If I am lucky enough to make it out of the city I can finally drive another 100 miles to the nearest truck stop to find that after paying 11 dollars a gallon I can only keep myself together long enough to scrape up some old cheetos I dropped on the floor a few loads ago, maybe an old cheese stick, call it lunch and pass out. And then just as my bed head hair do hits the pillow, BEEP....BEEP....BEEP... "I got a load offer for ya, can you help us out on this one?"

"Its not just a job its an adventure" should have been our catch fraise

hino magic

Seasoned Expediter
i think thats great,at least we can have fun out here without taking life so serious all the time like other folks do.great comments.

hino magic

Seasoned Expediter
driver 168 i think we have seen each other on the road before. i was the one running to and from the bathroom before they called me on the qc and you passed me running the other way. keep up the great work ya do