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  1. asjssl


    Couple of problems : - 40% is a rip off if your paying fuel - no serial # of the equipment noted..especially the electronics. - define personal use...that could be an easy out for the owner to get rid of you. - always take notes have both party's sign it on condition of vehicle..just like...
  2. asjssl

    October 2014 Locations

    Tv Time..........
  3. asjssl

    October 2014 Locations

    Load canceled. .going to bed..
  4. asjssl

    October 2014 Locations

    In - Adrian mi
  5. asjssl

    October 2014 Locations

    Dayton - Greenfield
  6. asjssl

    October 2014 Locations

    @ home ..starting newest project...gutting /remodel master bathroom. ..pu Tom morning GR - Madison in.
  7. asjssl

    October 2014 Locations

    St Louis - Detroit
  8. asjssl

    Has anyone ever delivered for Best Price Caskets?

    I picked one up few years ago out of NC going to NJ was for a very large person. .it just barely fit in my where to sleep that night. ..should have climbed in and went to sleep. ..but I didnt..
  9. asjssl

    October 2014 Locations

    home is that place YOU pay for and NEVER SEE
  10. asjssl

    October 2014 Locations

  11. asjssl


  12. asjssl


    Why does he have to pocket it all thought a man of god was to help his people. .not build mansions .. There's a BIG difference from your local Baptist minister who has a small modest salary dedicate is life to the teachings of god..though I don't agree with his religion ..I can respect...
  13. asjssl


    So true...but I'm trying to give the benefit of the doubt..
  14. asjssl


    The pictures are the truth though...what one is a lie..
  15. asjssl


    I don't have a problem with normal church giving at your local church...they have expenses.. overhead..salaries etc..the problem is the ones (tv) that get people to tithe ..and there making millions & millions That's what I'm talking about.. It is so obvious there bamboozling people . .but...
  16. asjssl


    You can call gay marriage anything you thing you will be able to call is legal in all 50 state's.
  17. asjssl


    It's OK for people to run a scam on your grandmother who thinks there giving there hard earned retirement dollars to some TV guy different then a shady contractor who takes advantage of people..
  18. asjssl


  19. asjssl


    My all along. ..people are making millions of dollars personally under The name of religion. ..people hand it over thinking it's going to some use of god when in reality it's making people of the church VERY VERY that's ok?? If relegion would stay on there side of the...
  20. asjssl

    Cargo vans needed no equipment age restrictions

    What I heard....I owned a 94 years ago. .didn't like it very much..