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  1. asjssl

    November 2014

    Pre plan...Rock Hill Sc - Kokomo
  2. asjssl

    November 2014

    MI- Greenville Sc
  3. asjssl

    November 2014 where ya at's

    Have to ask. ..why are you bringing your.... as you say "P" cup into the building? ?
  4. asjssl

    Border patrol displays flag WRONG

    If you look at it from the back of your looks to be the proper finger....very confusing. .
  5. asjssl

    Border patrol displays flag WRONG

    That all is simple...what I was taught by my retired staff Sgt US Army father...who took the flag very seriously
  6. asjssl

    Border patrol displays flag WRONG

    From BSA .......
  7. asjssl

    Border patrol displays flag WRONG

    It's arogant because you expect it to be second knowledge. ...
  8. asjssl

    October 2014 Locations

    I know that load..
  9. asjssl

    Border patrol displays flag WRONG

    Not complicated? ? that's just an arogant statement. ..guarantee very few know that rule and all you just explained...( why would they) ..the rule we do its to be the tallest and in the middle..Which makes sense.
  10. asjssl

    it's october where are you at! a van for sale if you want to give 2 vans a try..
  11. asjssl

    it's october where are you at!

  12. asjssl

    it's october where are you at!

    But the horrible azzhole I am... he is staying with me @ bolt....
  13. asjssl

    it's october where are you at!

    Ohh by the way......if I AM buying HIM a van to take it to load 1 hmmmmm IF THAT WAS TRUE where is the bad side of the deal for me??? Again you flapping YOUR gums... Quit being a yenta and gossiping about me...worry about your 1 van .didnt we go through this a couple of years ago You...
  14. asjssl

    it's october where are you at!

    Yah oooook ..Not talking about me...hmmm im the only guy down there dh back to Michigan. .and Brad is a hell of a good driver who makes me and him good $$$ I'm going home to get him a newer truck..he has earned ir for sure... your as creepy as the come...
  15. asjssl

    it's october where are you at!

    I was there 4.5 days ....I have appointments starting tomorrow and going to get newer truck for brad.... .could have had a load today..but wouldn't get me back in biggie the load went on brad so I make $$ on it either way...pays for my way before you start making stuff...
  16. asjssl

    Border patrol displays flag WRONG

    You thought what I did ..till you looked it up...
  17. asjssl

    Border patrol displays flag WRONG

    Just like America to over complicate something simple. .
  18. asjssl

    Border patrol displays flag WRONG

    There not other nations. .there the flag of the border patrol and us customs
  19. asjssl

    Border patrol displays flag WRONG

    They did not even build the flag poles properly ..
  20. asjssl

    Border patrol displays flag WRONG
