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  1. RLENT

    Another Ft. Hood shooting

    Insane, psychopathic right-wing nutcase - who just happens to a "contributor" at BreitFart - calls for genocidal slaughter of Muslims in the streets of America: Pat Dollard: If there is even one more act ... This mentally-deranged retard belongs in a rubber room somewhere, wearing a canvas...
  2. RLENT

    Another Ft. Hood shooting

    Bzzzzzzzt ... Try again ...
  3. RLENT

    Gay discrimination

    That would seem to lend more validity to the idea that a choice was not involved. I'm still not understanding what "choice" it is you are referring to.
  4. RLENT

    What would war with Russia look like?

    To address just a portion of your post: That may well be the case ... the thing that I had an issue with was your statement where you said: It appeared to me (rightly or wrongly), based on the particular construction of the sentence, that you were asserting that Black's book "show[ed]...
  5. RLENT

    Gay discrimination

    Since one could posit that being attracted to both sexes is not a choice, I'm not understanding what choice it is you are referring to.
  6. RLENT

    What would war with Russia look like?

    Ahh ... no ...
  7. RLENT

    What would war with Russia look like?

    Indeed they did ... and America supplied them with the technology (via IBM) to do the record-keeping ... and then looked the other way ...
  8. RLENT

    What would war with Russia look like?

    I "liked" Maverick's post ... but the one thing I did have a big problem with was what you are referring to above. I think the use of "so-called" with respect to German brutality was extremely ill-advised ... and the denial of certain aspects of the Holocaust is simply beyond the pale IMO...
  9. RLENT

    Feinstein the crook?

    Posting "viral emails" ? Seriously ? SMH ...
  10. RLENT

    Rest in peace Letzrockexpress

    Wow ... he will be missed indeed.
  11. RLENT

    The IRS and the spy

    My point, proven:
  12. RLENT

    The IRS and the spy

    Actually, in the interests of accuracy, I pointed out that both the WT and WaPo had coverage on this story - or aspects of it - which includes the backstory and the non-current, historical portions.
  13. RLENT

    The IRS and the spy

    From where I sit it's a mixed bag ... like almost any of them ...
  14. RLENT

    The IRS and the spy

    You dunno whether some would be "not as quick to consider [the NYT or WaPo] as a real, actual news organization with any modicum of journalistic integrity" ? By my observation there are quite a few folks - from both sides of the political aisle interestingly enough - that will charge either of...
  15. RLENT

    The IRS and the spy

    I didn't dismiss the story ... in fact, I readily acknowledged that there are some true and factual elements in/to it ... but that doesn't compensate for the fact, that other parts or aspects of it have been twisted or perverted by some to serve an agenda ... Of course. In this instance, the...
  16. RLENT

    The IRS and the spy

    Ragman, There are some kernels of truth in the story - so there is "something" to it ... but the story as portrayed is inaccurate and misleading ... Whether Fox takes it up or not remains to be seen ... but given their history and track record, I wouldn't be at all surprised if they did ...
  17. RLENT

    The IRS and the spy

    Here's a little bit from back in 2007 about the clown over at PJ Media - Patrick Poole - whose original article was the "source" of this current hysteria taking form in the right wing-nut echo chamber that some apparently like to frequent. He looks to be a somewhat minor player in Islamophobia...
  18. RLENT

    The IRS and the spy

    Actually, they are (evidenced by the reporting) The story - or significant parts of it - goes back several years. And yes, aspects of the story have been reported by actual news organizations - including the Washington Post, and as you note below the Washington Times. Or deliberately...
  19. RLENT

    The IRS and the spy

    The story from Godfather Politics is problematic in a number of ways - two of them being that it's both inaccurate and misleading - as evidenced by the reporting done by actual news organizations. One would think that after having the above issues crop up repeatedly with respect to the...
  20. RLENT

    Check it out and tell me!!

    Mechanics stethoscope, regularly $4.99, currently on sale for $2.99, at Harbor Freight Tools: Mechanic's Stethoscope