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  1. RLENT

    Gowdy takes MSM to the woodshed

    What exactly kinda nekkid fruit are we talkin' here ? Actually, Congressional "oversight" is not specifically enumerated in the Constitution - it is however implied: Congressional oversight - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Well, as I'm sure know you know, I am a fan of government...
  2. RLENT

    Modern Life In Appalachia

    I don't know that it's necessarily all that big of an assumption ... given that the "anti-balaka" forces (as well as the nominally Muslim Seleka forces) have been involved in unprovoked violence, including murder, against innocents. I'm pretty certain that I wouldn't regard "embedding" with...
  3. RLENT

    Modern Life In Appalachia

    No - you're confusing the existing error that I was referring to, with the other existing error - you know: the one I corrected specifically, rather than just referring to by implication.
  4. RLENT

    Modern Life In Appalachia

    No invention - just a comment on the existing error that was already there.
  5. RLENT

    Modern Life In Appalachia

    Ahhh ... it's the DSM (Diagnostic_and_Statistical_Manual_of_Mental_Disorders) ... not the MSM ... and no: the world is not flat.
  6. RLENT

    Modern Life In Appalachia

    Some really whacked racist misogynistic stuff from a true psychopath to be sure - read at your own peril: Highlights from #UCSB gunman's manifesto that mainstream coverage will probably ignore (with images, tweets) · RaniaKhalek · Storify
  7. RLENT

    Washington Redskins

    A little zoomage from the good Doktor: 'Redskins' Is Actually Respectful Term, Explains Cracker On Fox Panel
  8. RLENT

    Gowdy takes MSM to the woodshed

    Making a statement like that evinces an inability to differentiate legitimate oversight with pure partisan political posturing ... LOL ... well, personally - aside from the fact that Retard Central (aka The House of Representatives) probably won't be getting anything of beneficial consequence...
  9. RLENT

    Gowdy takes MSM to the woodshed

    A fan of the national security state - who calls Manning and Snowden traitors for revealing state secrets ... certainly including some which arguably the American people ought to know about - decries the evidently inadvertent release of CIA CoS' name ... and apparently suggests that we ought to...
  10. RLENT

    Gowdy takes MSM to the woodshed

    Judicial Watch is currently running an ad during "Raging Nature" on The Weather Channel. Something along the lines of: Evidently these three items are the only possible things, in terms what could be of "most important", for the American people. I didn't call, but I'm sure that there is...
  11. RLENT

    Electric chair to return

    ... but as long as it wasn't a relative, you'd be cool with it ? ... ;)
  12. RLENT

    Gowdy takes MSM to the woodshed

    More lulz courtesy of the demented sad-sack ****-tard POS that is Allen West: Torture Hero Allen West Just Asking If Legless Vet Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth Is 'Loyal' Is All
  13. RLENT

    Gowdy takes MSM to the woodshed

    I wouldn't know ... since I didn't read it ... :cool: But it might merit a look ... just for the entertainment value if nothing else ... ;)
  14. RLENT

    Electric chair to return

    Just as it's "ok" if you choose to be wrong ... Freedom is a wonderful thing ... ;)
  15. RLENT

    Gowdy takes MSM to the woodshed

    Here's a thought for all wannabe geniuses: Try actually reading the byline - before claiming an article one links is actually from Seymour Hersh - the article in question is actually from Pierce Nahigyan ... ;) (Helpful Hint: the manner in which Hersh is referred to, by name, in the title...
  16. RLENT

    Gowdy takes MSM to the woodshed

    Yeah ... Allen West ... now there's a really credible source: Allen West Heard About Benghazi From A Guy On A Plane Who Knew A Guy, And That's What I Call 'Q.E.D.'
  17. RLENT

    Gowdy takes MSM to the woodshed

    That's an assumption - which assumes that Gowdy is being honest and accurate, and is even fully informed, as to answers provided to questions already asked. I've already provided one instance where Gowdy - at a minimum - was at least mis- or uninformed ... if not worse ... Oh ... it certainly...
  18. RLENT

    Gowdy takes MSM to the woodshed

    The Western Center for Journalism has been the source of several dubious offspring: it was founded by Joseph_Farah ... who went on to found World_Net_Daily WCJ also once funded and employed Christopher_Ruddy ... who went on to found Newsmax ... Both are highly partisan entities, with at...
  19. RLENT

    Electric chair to return

    Talk is cheap: Do you support the death penalty or not ? Consider your answer to the above question as a sort of vision test ... and we'll find out just how good your eyesight actually is ...
  20. RLENT

    Electric chair to return

    That's an assertion for which you have provided no evidence - in fact, it's one you have so far utterly failed to provide evidence for - despite my requests that you do so multiple times. All you have to do to prove my characterizations as incorrect is to unequivocally state that you do not...