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  1. jaminjim


    Thanks will update when we get out
  2. jaminjim


    delivering in D.C. where can i park the truck to do some sightseeing?
  3. jaminjim

    how to figure cubes

  4. jaminjim

    HOw observant are you?

  5. jaminjim

    early impression on conway FSC?

    I thought that law applied only if you were paid on a percentage.
  6. jaminjim


    That is great news. Now about your in service percentage. when do you think that the TWO of you will be able to get back to a more normal life? Where the major stress you feel is getting to the delivery point on time.
  7. jaminjim

    It's time for a ban

    Politics, religion, smoking, things to incite controversial conversation for $200.00
  8. jaminjim

    Team Drivers

    It's not just the miles, it's how they fall. We have done fewer miles and thought we were going to die. and done alot more and felt rested. We have run near 5000 miles and somehow they were mostly daytime runs with plenty of good sleep in between.
  9. jaminjim

    It's time for a ban

    And now you attack me for my little pee breaks in the pool.
  10. jaminjim

    Scoops expediter truck Info

    RE: Stoops expediter truck Info Oh sure Rich don't mention the Soops in Dayton, Oh.
  11. jaminjim

    Freightliner M-2 112

    I guess that thirty years was local driving.
  12. jaminjim

    It's time for a ban

    In the restaurant or the movie lounge I would think Body Oder offends more people than my smoke. If it is cleaner air, you are looking for it will help more by running your truckat 55 mph max. also shut ALL diesel burning equipment off, yes the APU also. It creates more crap in the air than a...
  13. jaminjim

    New FedEx service

    Okay how much of that 50% increase in freight went on FedEx CC trucks, and how much of it was offered at a reduced rate to you guys. Not saying it is a bad idea, just asking the question.
  14. jaminjim

    looking for some answers/opinions

    Stay out of a van. That would be the first thing. Drive for a Owner to test your back and your relationship :). Carefully pick your owner, there are some great ones, and some very bad ones. If I were to drive for an owner I would want the 60% if the truck were equipped with a generator and 40%...
  15. jaminjim

    Be Our Guest!

    How about the Patton museum at Fort Knox.
  16. jaminjim

    Convincing someone to get a GPS unit

    Dang Terry everyone knows how to send it back, I think your just being silly. Place the item to be returned on the top of your computer and press the SEND button.
  17. jaminjim

    Truck Show

    13:00 and 17:30 it is. see ya there.
  18. jaminjim

    Thinking of a move!!

    I thought P II also has a five year age limit, I could be wrong though. We run good miles with them abd the miles are pretty close to what the load offer says.
  19. jaminjim

    Duramax Update

    And a sprinter Killer would be what?
  20. jaminjim

    Looking To Buy

    Can you say apple, my son-in-law has one, and man is it nice. It even has lighted keys for us hunt and peckers.