Duramax Update


Veteran Expediter
I think that I spoke with every customer service person at GM over the past two weeks regarding my inability to purchase a simple maintenance item. Come on guys, you built this van in November 2005 and you forgot that folks might want to change their fuel filters as per the owner's manual? Duh!

The engine is great! It is the prevailing attitude of GM that stinks! They keep saying, "We are sorry, but..." My response was, "Please don't tell me that you are sorry, because that only makes you feel better about this inexcusable scenario and it does nothing to resolve the matter." I also said, "If you were really interested in resolving my problem you would give me the assembly plant manager's phone number." You can't speak to anyone in management at GM. They have so many layers of management that it staggers the imagination! My dad was a GM engineer and he complained for years about their bloated management system. He would say, "It takes an act of God get anything done in this company."

GM is so apathetic about everything. It is no wonder they lost over 6 billion dollars in profits last year. They are bleeding cash flow all over the place and you would think they would bend over backwards to avoid bad publicity. Nope! They'll take another black eye because they really believe the consumer has no other choice. Wrong! Just wait until the Sprinter Killer is released in 2009. Ford, GM and Chrysler commercial divisions will be forced to cease operations. They are all dying a slow death and this will be the death nail in their coffin. Oh well, just more grass to mow as it creeps up through the cracks in the asphalt of empty parking lots. Sadly, it doesn't have to be, but they have got to change and they can't wait one minute longer.

For example, I went into a GM plant at 5:45 for a pick up. The sign says, "No pick ups between 5:30 and 6:00." Fine, I understand everybody needs to eat or use the bathroom. At 6:15 not a person was in sight. I heard a fork lift off in the distance so I followed the sound. At 6:20 I asked the lift guy about getting loaded. He pointed to the office and said somebody would be back soon. "Could you define soon?", I asked. He shrugged his shoulders and drove off. At 6:35 the shipping guy found his way to the office. He spent another 20 minutes trying to figure out how to use the computer to creater a B.O.L.

Sorry for the rant.

I finally got one set of fuel filters. One set per customer for right now. I still wanted an extra set for the truck. The parts guy said the filter kit listed for $108.00. OUCH! Two filters and two o-rings. Considering that GM couldn't supply this item when I requested it over 45 days ago, and the look on my face, the parts guy discounted it for me. Of course, service made up the difference when they charged me an hour labor (it took 25 minutes) at $65.00 to install these filters.

I do want to thank everyone who offered their assistance and suggestions. Tinker Tom even called me and tried to get in touch with a former boss at GM. My hat is off to you sir for going the extra mile to help me. Now pray that I can get some decent runs this week to pay for these filters. Amen!


Veteran Expediter
I was thinking of purchasing a GM van with the Duramax engine.
Do you recommend it?
What kind of mileage are you getting?


Veteran Expediter
The largest auto/truck manufacturer in the world is going to release a cargo van that will revolutionize the freight industry.

As always, it will be built will a zero defect mindset; just as they build everything else.

Needless to say, it will be the death nail in the coffins of the big three commercial truck divisions.

The engineers call it the Sprinter Killer, because whenever this company releases a new vehicle folks stop buying the competition's products.