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  1. greg334

    she is out.

    How would he be disbarred? AND from the signs and comments made outside the court when the verdict was handed down, the safety of the jury members would be a bigger concern so if the jury were smart, they would just go on living quietly and not make any noise.
  2. greg334

    The Epidemic of Mental Illness

    Well actually T-Hawk, it wasn't about me nor any expertise, the comments started long before I posted anything. I think turtle's point and mine for that matter is there is no common sense by people in feeding their kids these drugs, but alas, common sense is not common in the world when it...
  3. greg334

    mbe 4000

    So the answer is yes, you have to pull the head off the engine to get the pistons out? I think that in frame kits don't come with rods, so your rods will have to be rebushed and checked for straightness, right?
  4. greg334

    mbe 4000

    Won't you have to pull the head off to get the pistons out to replace the rod bushings and pins?
  5. greg334

    HELP!! Jack Berry's Van

    So I'm the frinkn' bad guy here? The best thing that could have been done was not to respond to my post in the first place. I took a bit more effort than others who were second guessing or talking to someone who may know or not know what's going on to get information for this or another...
  6. greg334

    The Epidemic of Mental Illness

    Well Turtle our posts didn't include those words like Liberal/Conservative, Left/Right, Obama/Obummer/Obum/barry or anything like that so they didn't want to hear about it.
  7. greg334

    HELP!! Jack Berry's Van

    Well I didn't see you sticking any posts in there trying to help so why comment?
  8. greg334

    Garden Corner 2011

    Like I said, I need only 250 lbs, but 500 would be nice.
  9. greg334

    July Locations 2011 ;) Dollas!!!

    Wow, not going to the Expo? who issued the cert?
  10. greg334

    Garden Corner 2011

    Great, I am home now waiting. How much did you order me? 500 lbs? I need only 250.
  11. greg334

    HELP!! Jack Berry's Van

    Oh Dennis you didn't need to respond with petty comments, I was only trying to make a comparison to what is possible to accelerate the sale of the van to what is going on there at the expo. So unlike others with false or misleading info, like you who talked to someone who happened to do a...
  12. greg334

    Snyder signs law to limit cold medicine purchases in Michigan

    Seriously? Where did you get that from? I saw his picture and it looks like he is some sort of kid who just stolen a cookie from the cookie jar ... OK I admit the picture was a bad one but still coming from a state that has a population less than Detroit (present census), where is his...
  13. greg334

    she is out.

    Yes I know that but the problem is the convicted do not have a loss of their first amendment rights and this is why many of these laws are not constitutional and have to be rewritten in order for them to pass the SC 1991 decision that stuck down NY's first version of the law. The SC is...
  14. greg334

    she is out.

    Actually son of sam law won't be applied to her case. AND no he isn't my brother.
  15. greg334

    Why am I overheating and losing coolant?

    Radiators are cheap. The one for my little truck is about $250 and if I have something like a class 8 it is just about $100 or so more.
  16. greg334

    HELP!! Jack Berry's Van

    Actually talking to a few who do raffles won't give you the info you need. Lawrence and the vendors are already doing what can be done, there is already one using a consideration for one door prize, the use of the EO name in order to participate. SO this is the same thing - it is not a raffle...
  17. greg334

    Dont tear us down

    Yes you are. Rest of what? NO one stops them from practicing any religion, as no one stops them from using the word God. NO one has yet figured out a way to take God out of our lives but it is those who want to complain about the little things while ignoring the bigger things that misplaces...
  18. greg334

    The Epidemic of Mental Illness

    It was a private plane and no I wasn't in those places, I was in the Great North for work. AND I got seriously sunburned while I was there - who would have thought.
  19. greg334

    HELP!! Jack Berry's Van

    I think in Ohio you can hold a private raffle - meaning it is done on that day, in one location with all ticket sales and drawing happening at the event with the person present.
  20. greg334

    HELP!! Jack Berry's Van

    Well I would but seeing I have to make a choice on what to attend, the expo is not on the top of the list - beside I have limited transportation for the next few weeks.