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  1. B

    Lift Gate Safety

    I stepped into a Bees nest when I also argued Hazmat Loads with no extra pay. I will explaine this very simple. I have no Lift Gate I no longer haul Hazmat I am doing better than most...... I stay pretty darn busy.
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    Lift Gate Safety

    Wonder what is the financial reward vs risk for all of this? Lets see damage a One MILLION dollar piece of equipment and see your insurance co. DO WHAT? EVER HEARD of CANCELED. I realize we want to all be professionals but being completely responsible as the customer watches you accidently...
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    can this work for me?

    Even if your truck is paid for you still must replace it. If not your throwing $ out the window. I would pretend I had a truck payment in your shoes, take a min of $1,200 a month and buy I bonds harder to cash than a savings account and pays higher intrest. One day that new truck will not be...
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    Michigan to Enforce (see headlines)

    MI is my original home state. I so much looked forward to traveling up there. Until I actually did. It must rank the poorest kept highway state in North America. The State wants to hassle us looking for drunk driving truck drivers, unlicesened drivers, and wreckless driving. I am at a...
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    Idle-Aire a flop ?

    The head mechanic at my Pro-Heat Dealer informed me that Generators will be standard in the near future (when I cannot answer) but near, that Tractors will come standard with a Generator. Manufactures are loosing to much $ to these outside MFG and if they make it standard on all Sleepers than...
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    I am gona add, how excited I was to be accepted by them. My expectations quickly dissipeared and so did my finances. Had I not have taken advice and had a large enough savings I would not have been able to bridge myself between carriers. The feeling of what have I gotten myself into will...
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    Yeah it was a cheap shot. I also complained louldy to all at the company how rude we were treated in class by the saftey dept. Never called once Ladies or Gentleman but BOYS and Girls. I entered man hood years ago and the youngest person in my class was in there 30s. They used intemation...
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    no driving experience & traveling w/a dog

    That is where I would draw the line. A dog as large as a Boxer if it were friendly yes, any bigger or meaner of a breed no. Even if it were a friendly dog the breed has its reputation. Also could an owner be held liable should ole Roscoe decide to tear an arm off?
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    You need an attorney NOW. There is no way that it was your fault. Even if someone cut him off he/she lost control of there auto. You are to be in control of your vehicle at ALL TIMES. Skidding accross a highway to miss something else is not keeping your auto under control. I cannot...
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    Walmart Parking Lots

    I have been asked in the past to leave a Walmart after delivering a rush load for them. I personally think from past expierence that its just not a pleasant stayover, unless you roll in around 4 AM. Car alarm beep customers like hearing there horns so keep beeping, loud oversize mufflers on...
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    For all you Pet Lovers out there...

    Now before I get the #&%$$% beat of out of me for posting this I must fess up I have an 11 year old cat I cannot stand but she loves me to no end. ( cat furr on my lap every return home) And I am also the owner of now my 2nd Pug first one lasted 15 year. Just read the average life expentency...
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    Canada Grrrrrrrrrr

    GUILTY of being a Red Wings fan. Change your bumper sticker, Ducks?
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    Canada Runnin' West?

    Do not understand what Alta stands for, BC British Columbia. I have been in Western Canada twice now. There is no way to possibly make a living out there in Expediting. Competition is our greatest tool. The more customers can depend on a pool of us competing the more they utilize our...
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    Canada Pars

    >I crossed the border 3 times last week. Twice in Windsor and >once in Sarina. First crossing was from Columbus to >Leamington. Crossing time was about 30 seconds. Second >crossing was from Toledo to Cambridge. Crossing time about 2 >minutes. Third and final time was Erie to Windsor...
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    Truck purchase horror story

    I doubt he intentially set out to be a bad guy, he is just a bad guy. Situation arose that he probalby felt flush and could make it back up somehow and knew down deep he could'nt. Sound fimniallar like Social Security. See how it happens, one wants to be honest but down deep inside is...
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    One week old Newbie

    That was your problem, Go home take her to bed have a good time than you can sleep all you want. Do not sleep on the sopha she will never understand unless its a bad football game or if Jeff Gordon won, than its boring....
  17. B

    My first three months

    Best Dealerships I have dealth with: and I have a KW Freightliner outside of St. Louis just East of their wonderfull people did not charge me a dime for $500 worth of work because they were an hour late on their promised time. KW dealer I purchased from, always what they quoted no surprises...
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    All of our insurance carriers should have "down time" in their plans. Where he will get screwed is if Georgia is a no fault state than suck it up bud. Worst case serinio, 4 wheeler has no insurance or in a state that only requires 10K liability. (WHAT A JOKE) But some states are still this...
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    axle positions and too much thinking time

    Some people ( ) have way too much time on their hands. You need to be underload more to prevent this problem.....
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    Fuel mileage

    I had the same problem but not that low. Get to the Allison Dealer, and Cat Dealer. Change that 5spd over to the 6spd its computerized but the two manufactures must run a spec sheet. The rpms will drop by 17% as it did for me. The noise level alone was worth the idea. The rpms are just to...