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  1. B


    CTX is a Division of Central Transport they also own Universal AM CAM, PAM, Charlotte Express, Mowhawk, Mason Dixon. Just to name a few. They also own both the Ambassador Bridge and the Tunnel between Detroit and Windsor. They will pay you but you need to stay on top of your numbers. They...
  2. B

    panther II allowing employees to own trucks

    This has nothing to do with Panther but with Drivers. You know how you listen to a conversation between two other drivers or maybee your involved. Driver A is telling Driver B or you how much he makes, how hard he works and how SMARTer than everyone else he is. Take all rumours with a...
  3. B


    Thank you for the WARNING. People this is EXACTLY why I have been BIT&$$#^ about when RE-ENTERING my OWN COUNTRY. (that I seem to get beat up on) Here some FLOPP'N Foreigner can come in here cause damage to one of our vehicles and get completly away with it. Let me be rude to a Border...
  4. B

    going to work

    Not being a Van Driver I cannot comment on the business end. Observation of Van Drivers vs Straight truck. Van seems very hard to live out of for weeks at a time. If your not actually working than what does one do? You need to consider that. Ideling a Van with todays fuel prices waiting two...
  5. B

    Panther II orientation

    Teams 18 wheeler you should do well. Should unless your other driver well just does not like this. No reason not to learn more, question very vague. Look and ask but be direct. This industry is like no other in the trucking industry except we use trucks of all sizes to move freight...
  6. B

    Fuel Prices

    Knee Jerk Reaction, we will all be allright. Very slight shortage and we are being taken advantage of remember it went back down after the first one and once the repairs are done this will also. Down not back to where we once were. FSC will have to come back accordingly. Be Optomistic as...
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    Panther II policy update

    For now on LIE... If they are gona treat you that way than run your business accordingly. That is unfair and more important unprofessional. Reading Panther II??????? More Important READING PANTHER CONTRACTORS...
  8. B


    RE: Calculating trip mileage to determine making $ Good Question, GREAT RESPONSES. My Leased Company is quite different than most. Our DH is extremely low considering the industry average. Our Dispatchers work very hard in seeing that it is this way or neg. a DH package. My observation is...
  9. B

    Canada Border Crossing Concerne

    #1 I do not get upset when this happens on the spot but I can post what ever I want to on here. But the day on question Hurricane K was now in Nova Scotia pouring down in buckets. Now I have crossed at least 10 times and I am filling out a form for what? Thats my question. Whats the sense...
  10. B

    Got Ripped off and do not want the same to happen

    RE: Got Ripped off and do not want the same to hap 1 G.S.T. lets see (we are going to dissagree totally here but thats all right). You state use my accountant, at the end of the year to get back oh lets see $50.00 while her bill would be $200.00 or more thats smart business? Time is $. GST...
  11. B

    Which is better?

    Now start asking the $ question. Have you inquired and actually talked with Van Operators that are making a good living doing this? Do not get in until you know the #s, the talk I am hearing is not positive but there are exceptions and I do know of a couple of people doing well. For the...
  12. B


    Please post the address and phone # to TSI. I recently took mine to the Dealer outside of Houston, this guy has been a Pro-Heat servicing dealer longer than I think anyone. He pretty much told me what was wrong with my untit. Installation, airlines to small preventing the untit from...
  13. B


    RE: expediter or expeditor that is the question >I realize now isnt the time with all the > spelled expediter wrong. > >dukesadog Without even looking back I will bet it was me. I loved School, just not English.....
  14. B

    Where to start

    LBD just described it or I could not tell you I believe he said a payload of up to 5K where a D unit is generally 13K or 33GVW. I seriously considered a Van until I read an interview on here with I believe the Pres of Panther answered that if he were to go into driving it would be a D unit for...
  15. B

    Texas Rest Areas

    But there are Truck Stops everywhere with ample PARKING. Try Washington State or New Jersey, keep on driving cause you cant park here....
  16. B

    weigh stations and log books

    Electronic logs are acceptable as long as you can print them right there if requested. AL will require the full 8 days on the logs just as CD&E units must have 8 days on demand, otherwise go around the state its their law you must obey or avoid. I do not like it but it is what it is. Unfair...
  17. B


    The only negative comment I can make is I miss my family. The challenge of doing a great job is to me very rewarding. To be the best though wow the competition is stiff one of the best yes. As for competing for $ we all survive on the competition, out on West Coast we are not that well known...
  18. B

    Where to start

    Its the ones who hate life which in turn makes for a not so happy greeting. If you go into this you will see for yourself. Class B you need alot of book work to study. You will have to rent a Ryder Truck with Air Brakes to take your driving test with. Someone will have to drive it to the...
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    Deer Guards

    The Posts to links are unfortunatly dissipointing. So I sat and thought there has got to be a way to build these. There is a guy in Charlotte NC that does all of the Special Projects at Joe Gibbs Racing. He not only works for Joe but also has his own Machine Shop on the side and does alot...
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    Canada Border Crossing Concerne

    I am forced (volunteer) to go into Canada. This past month I have been to both Victoria and Halafax plus Ayr. When comming back from Nova Scotia, was forced to fill out a Bill of Ladding at the crossing on the US. Did not exactly make friends with the BPC officer when I asked and I was not...