Search results

  1. Doggie Daddy

    Nitrogen inflation improves tread life

    >Incidentally, any gas, not just an inert gas, can be used in >tires. Hydrogen, for example, though, that would likely give >a whole new meaning to a blow out. :+ LOL Turtle,I just had a flashback to the film clip of the Hindenburg crashing."Oh the humanity".DD.
  2. Doggie Daddy


    ??????? What exactly is in that mason jar you're drinking from?DD.
  3. Doggie Daddy

    Sales tax on truck purchase

    Are you already leased to a company?,if so use their tax exempt status.DD.
  4. Doggie Daddy

    Baseball Book

    Thanks for the tip Rich,I will be on the lookout for it.DD.
  5. Doggie Daddy

    2008 Expedited Expo Idea Re-Visited

    >We forum members could just walk around with little pointy >hats....*L* OMG Ken I didn't realise that was you on sat,I just thought the circus was in town.DD.
  6. Doggie Daddy

    2008 Expedited Expo Idea Re-Visited

    My idea is just a small one,but one that I feel would make everyones expo experience a little more member friendly. On the I.D. necklace that we all wear there appears to be room for one more line of info,and that could be having our screen names added.DD
  7. Doggie Daddy

    Power Windows...

    I haven't manually cranked a window on anything I have owned (cars or trucks) since somewhere back in the early 1980's.DD.
  8. Doggie Daddy


    WHY? DD.
  9. Doggie Daddy

    Are you offended, or made uncomfortable, by reading the word 'penis' on this site?

    RE: Offended? I didn't vote,because I didn't see a choice for the most ridiculous poll on the internet.DD.
  10. Doggie Daddy

    "Largest Expediting Company in the County"

    Thawk,Swift is not the largest trucking company in the world.That "honor" goes to UPS,with Fedex #2.Swift is in the top 10.DD.
  11. Doggie Daddy


    What is up with these paranoid B drivers thinking everyone is grabbing their freight?DD.
  12. Doggie Daddy

    so tell me about this truck show in a couple of we

    RE: so tell me about this truck show in a couple o Activities include "pin the tail on the expediter",and possibly Lawrence in the dunk tank.:7 :7
  13. Doggie Daddy

    Hey What is the Deal on QueBec

    >Ya know what they say. "anytime you place limitations on >your work you lose a pie of the money pie" > >I hear that all the time..I don't do this I don't do >that...heck..just get out of this line of work and let real >expeditors do the job!! >A real professional will do whatever it takes...
  14. Doggie Daddy

    Hey What is the Deal on QueBec

    > Now, can your carrier >get you out of there with freight? That's the real question. Our's does and usually very good loads,so that is why we continue to go there.DD.
  15. Doggie Daddy

    Hey What is the Deal on QueBec

    I don't think that they speak english better than us,but they do speak it. Also,as far as the road signs go the ones for traffic control are pretty easy to figure out what they mean.The street and town signs it doesn't really matter what they say or how it is said,as long as it lines up with...
  16. Doggie Daddy

    have you seen our truck?

    I believe that what we are looking at is the 96" Road runner elite sleeper from AB,the giveaway is the rectangular windows at the top rear of the sleeper. The 120" RVEX sleeper has no such windows.DD.
  17. Doggie Daddy

    what is the most memorable thing you have experien

    RE: what is the most memorable thing you have expe Another one,was being stopped on I-95 in Virginia for about 4 hrs.,because the D.C. sniper had just shot another victim at the Ponderosa steakhouse in Ashland,Virginia.DD.
  18. Doggie Daddy

    what is the most memorable thing you have experien

    RE: what is the most memorable thing you have expe We were waiting on a load in Portland,Oregon about 2 years ago,and that was the when Mt.St. Helens decided to do some major venting. It wasn't to far to drive to get a look "up close and personal".We got to within 5 miles of the mountain and...
  19. Doggie Daddy

    Thanks DD

    It's O.K. BP Lawrence could tell ya,but then he would have to kill ya.;) DD.
  20. Doggie Daddy

    Question To All ?

    > Remember >if mama ain't happy no one is happy. Words to live by. ;) DD.