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  1. greg334

    Independent Reviews Of CDL Training Program

    I don't see the reason to delete anything, I mean we can't even move threads to the right place to begin with and the OP is bringing up a legit question and trying not to get all the BS involved. As Bill said, some companies require a cdl while others don't and if one looks really really hard...
  2. greg334

    Somalia famine: UN warns of 750,000 deaths

    take the Islamic portion out of the equation and look at it without the us vs. them thing. Somalia is and has been in a civil war for over 30 years, it is not all about religion but power between different factions. This is also what happened in SA and other southern countries. It is all...
  3. greg334

    Post Office in Trouble!

    I'm not going to slam you for that, it is rather a complex and stupid way of putting together a government program, just like fanny and fredie. The thing is they have to go to congress because congress has approved their charter and in it they have an obligation to follow the policies that...
  4. greg334

    LOL, Nascar Drivers to barry...Thanks, but NO Thanks..

    I still think that if the invite came to Dennis or to Layout, they would not refuse it.
  5. greg334

    The Game

    I would agree but it isn't a partnership, in order for it to be considered one, there has to be more than a beep and no demands. In the case of IRT, FedEx has many other avenues to move freight and the dispatcher is wrong in asking the owner to step in. The relationship with the owner and...
  6. greg334

    September 11-17th...National Truck Driver Appreciation Week

    Well actually the agenda is set through the forum, having a carrier centric forum that serves the purpose of having carrier centric issues be discussed seem not to be the place for general issues to be discussed. Maybe it is my way of looking at things, but I also think that the mods can do the...
  7. greg334

    Some folks we may have forgotten about.

    I guess if you want to consider this as a forgotten group, we must remove the pretentious bunch of crap that we say covering up what this is really called - they live in a form of slavery. With the reservation system coming into it's second hundred years, there should have a been a time when...
  8. greg334

    Somalia famine: UN warns of 750,000 deaths

    Wow!! talk about me? Sue, the fix is easy and in front of all of us - the african congress needs to step aside to rid itself with the thinking that has either destroyed some countries or leading them down the path that they may not return. It is a problem for the rich countries to solve first...
  9. greg334

    Hard to believe..coins

    Well the solution is ... cut back the treasury's employees who have something to do with the engraving and production of coins while at the same time stop treating coin collecting as a cash cow for the government - problem solved. What I am wondering about is how can the US government put a...
  10. greg334

    WIT - why the scare tactic ?

    But see here is the confusing part to many, when 'ladies' want to be treated as part of the profession and considered equals, they should lose the idea of being treaded as ladies. Maybe that makes my comments more sexiest but it isn't about removing common courteous out of the picture or...
  11. greg334

    Somalia famine: UN warns of 750,000 deaths

    My God Ken, what's gotten into you today? You get rejected to see Obama or something? Sue, the problem is the UN, no one else can be blamed for this and Dafur. There is enough food in the pipeline, the governments are not all to blame as OVM seems to think and the drought isn't the cause for...
  12. greg334

    Post Office in Trouble!

    Just a reminder, here is your comment about the president and the executive order. Whoops there it is... AND? I don't use my post office much, which is 2.23 miles from my door but if this was 1963, I would understand the need for it with the limited rural communications and such but...
  13. greg334

    WIT - why the scare tactic ?

    So I guess with the two gender related threads going on (the other is in the soapbox), what is the real message here? Are we supposed to treat women truck drivers as vulnerable and unable to take care of themselves or are we supposed to treat them as fellow professionals who are our equals...
  14. greg334

    September 11-17th...National Truck Driver Appreciation Week

    I guess the point is this what is the use of a carrier centric section of any forum when general topics are being posted in them?
  15. greg334

    Ask listen evaluate

    I think the title should be listen, ask and ask again ... then try In another thread I made the point that I make $3.50 a mile and unnamed EO member pretty much said I was full of it but when I challenged him to prove I couldn't make it, he would not even consider it because he knows I am...
  16. greg334

    September 11-17th...National Truck Driver Appreciation Week

    I couldn't understand why it was in the L-1 forum and the mods wouldn't move it.
  17. greg334

    Post Office in Trouble!

    God I wish you all would learn what the USPS is all about and how it works before going on the rampage that does not effect you unless you want it to. Bring back the pony express?? great travel to the nearest county seat for all your mail. Hey i have a great idea, lets tax emails and pm ...
  18. greg334

    The Game

    IRT, I understand your point, the OOP doesn't have a business telling you what to do and it is frustrating. NO one has to cover a load from FedEx, they have too many resources to cover it. I really think most miss the point IRT is making and it is like another thread where many missed the...
  19. greg334

    Bugs,spiders, and basement creatures

    JuJu how did that bug killer I recommend work for you? I had not issues with any bugs once I used it.
  20. greg334

    New Sticker for the back of my Van..

    Oh come on Dennis, you enjoy my posts, admit it....