Yes Greg we KNOW....I don't see any reference to the is up to Congress..we also know it is state the obvious...
Just a reminder, here is your comment about the president and the executive order.
President should Executive Order....Fire them all...kick out the unions and start all over again....
Whoops there it is...
nah..just trying to make the point...If Greg's nearest PO closes..he might have to go another 5 miles to get his packages..while the people living in Reva, SD will have to go to Lemmon, SD to get their's..a distance of over 70 miles. From our rural point of view, close that dang city one down!
I don't use my post office much, which is 2.23 miles from my door but if this was 1963, I would understand the need for it with the limited rural communications and such but with UPS, FedEx and other package delivery services AND the fact that you and others are using other means to communicate, living anywhere outside of upper Maine or Point Barrow Alaska, there are other options.
USPS and the IRS-they actually are a private enity. subcontractors. to the goverment.
Not really, the USPS is a specifically charters entity within the constitution, the IRS isn't. Until the 70's it was run by the government, funded by congress and overseen by the president as a cabinet position.
Since that all changed, it has gone down hill.
Postal service has been going down for a long time. wonder why? They are not accountable to the people, if they lose you're mail-too bad ! put a claim in-they may get get to you in 120 days or so. Still wondering where are my paid bills that never reached the payee !
Now if anything important has to be sent-I send it UPS:
If you have problems, contact the postmaster general - washington and file a compliant there. I have serious problem with my mail ending up not in my mail box. a couple years ago, we had one postal worker who would dump bunches of rubber bands on the ground in front of the house so I collected them and sent them back to the postmaster general in Washington - I got a nice letter back and the inspectors at my door only a week later and another postal worker.