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  1. Slo-Ride

    Lake Erie calls!

    Thats a good day out..not about limits anyways,,Thats just a bonus..
  2. Slo-Ride

    Out of control

    Not sure what can be done about it?? If this guy was as toasted as he looked (LOL) Is he charged with something? I have no way of knowing..I agree with you but I think Hockey seems to have calmed down over the years.. Seems to me it was a much more violent game in my younger years. Its not...
  3. Slo-Ride

    :( Holiday Greed

    If your going to close K-mart or Kohl's then may as well close your convenience stores and gas stations also. Don't forget about the Nurses they have family's also or the Patrolman. The list goes on. This day and age most employers require you work your sch day not only before or after the...
  4. Slo-Ride

    Out of control

    Not sure when the game was played..Looked like a perfectly good check to me..Glass just didnt hold up. I think that what makes it look so bad/hard hit. Fan that got the helmet looked preety toasted to me..Couldnt tell who wasted the perfectly good $10 glass of beer..
  5. Slo-Ride

    Out of control

    NHL fans steal helmet off, spill beer on Adam Pardy after Brandon Bolling checks him into glass as Chicago Blackhawks beat Winnipeg Jets - NHL News | FOX Sports on MSN
  6. Slo-Ride

    Out of control

    Broken Link? Cant open at my end.
  7. Slo-Ride

    Lake Erie calls!

    Sounds like a good day out. Glad ya got on and off the water in good shape. It was windy inland I can only imagine it was blowing out there. Crossing the Maumee on 75 this afternoon looked like a ton of mallards in the river..More then I usually see in that area. A lot of geese feeding at the...
  8. Slo-Ride

    Best weather app for expediting

    I have/use AccuWeather..It will Follow ya where ever you go if you allow the settings to do so. To be honest with you I don't know if its a app or Widget or if there is a difference..I don't even remember how it got on my phone buts its there in one of the cicles..And thats all I can tell about...
  9. Slo-Ride

    Lake Erie calls!

    Have fun. You guys pulling any Geese in out there? Still stuck where they left me Sunday night,,Phone is telling me we are looking at a warming trend for the remainder of this week and next..If something doesn't break here soon I'm will dumping some beer money into the tanks and heading home.
  10. Slo-Ride

    Free meal TA/Petro for Veterans

    Good for her.. Im sure your proud of your Daughter. If thats the same outfit or version of the Armys combat engrs..We have a life time job for her up in Mich rebuilding our roads when she finnishes her tour. :)
  11. Slo-Ride

    Veterans Roll Calll

    US Army.. Ft Knox for basic training Then Ft Leonard Wood for school Heavy Equipt repair Duty station was Fort Hood Tx and Grafenwoehr Germany 2nd Armor Div 17th combat engrs 1974-1977 Loved every bit of it but as I said before it was a conflict free time. I was one of the lucky ones in...
  12. Slo-Ride

    You think you have sucky rates...

    Judging by your screen name I take it your a MOPAR fan..
  13. Slo-Ride

    Save it or not.

    Now that I slept on it I think its a Panter TT that I see coming and going out of the Kokomo plant. I may have mispoke on the Fedx. But none the less I am seeing more of you purple ppl on the docks. Theres money to be made running up and down 75 chasing this freight, Not saying ya dont make...
  14. Slo-Ride

    Free meal TA/Petro for Veterans

    If not classified..What kinda work is your daughter doing in there?
  15. Slo-Ride

    Save it or not.

    FedX Doesnt seem to be so picky lately..Seen a fair amount of them in the plants..Including reefers both straights and tractor trailers. Actually see a fairly new 53 ft reefer in the kokomo plant often.. Come over to the dark side Layout and help us out..LOL Besides im sure your ripe for some...
  16. Slo-Ride

    How Long Have You Been Trucking ? Expediting ?

    If wrenching on trucks/heavy equiptment and Locomotives count..Since 1974. Only the last 6 years and a few months have been in expediting. First 5 with one carrier and the balance is where I am at now. (I think) And yes I have tools for sale..LOL
  17. Slo-Ride

    How Expediting has changed from 20 years ago.

    Been moved along to many times by the Woodhaven police..Esp in that Meijer across the street. Slid over here next door to the Detroiter and Ill sell ya some gun raffle tickets..They will make good stocking stuffers. Someone says I gotta sit here for bout 9 more hours so Ill be here for a...
  18. Slo-Ride

    Save it or not.

    I want and what I really want is certifed chain and binders for machines. Many times I wished I had some with me. Some things I dont trust to just straps and load bars.. Just a matter of doing it.;)
  19. Slo-Ride

    Turnpike Turnarounds - Possible???

    I dont know about these roads but I can tell ya Canada has no proplems zooming in on a van plate. 3 times I received pitures of the back of the van..Perfect photos..And of course along with the photos came the bill.
  20. Slo-Ride

    The Tiki 30

    Nice ride..Sounds like a good trip.