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  1. B

    Freightliner/Cummins Idle Timer

    990,000 I wont tell anyone Rich
  2. B


    Thanks alot. Another item to buy another item that will cost $100 to repair plese let me know if this stuff carries repair bills as well. I have that round antena on the roof from Bentz, the thing is pathetic I mean awfull. I might watch 3 hours of TV a week and most of the time if its not...
  3. B

    Best way to ask for an increase or fuel surcharge?

    RE: Best way to ask for an increase or fuel surcha Wish I could help, but I better leave this to more expierenced members. Good Luck, great drivers are not a dime a dozen, your a saught after individual who deserves more than what the market will bear if they want it done, right, and on time.
  4. B

    Massachusetts Does Not Play Around!

    Most states, AL & NC for sure you are not allowed to change the plate with any stickers, markers, etc... And those plastic lens that cameras cannot photograph is a big NO NO.
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    Couldn't find a topic

    He was out of FL, I remember that. Maybee he will start it up could be a great time to look into another truck cause there will probably be 20 of them for sale here on EO in about 6 months.
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    Longest Load Accept Streek

    Not all of us run for FECC, there is no art where I am at that I know of. Some not so good cities and some great. Freight Zones change monthly, weekly and daily. Atlanta might be great for three months than stink for a month. I do not understand the comment Art & Science. My dispatch is...
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    waiting for loads

    If you were at the Jabez Truck Stop in Portland, OR. thats not a wait its a VACATION # 1 Truck Stop in America or the World....
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    Longest Load Accept Streek

    The one thing I enjoy about C&M is we do not have these Express Centers. There are no customers that we have to bow down to for but kissing. Need a load covered in Philly to Detroit if your in Allentown your most likely gona get the call. Customer is informed truck will be there in 1.5 hours...
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    Longest Load Accept Streek

    Well how is this (I am bragging) last month, I went for two weeks that their was either freight on the truck or another load waiting. Dispatch even scheduled in for me two 34 hour breaks to get my 70 back. Right time right place but it felt great to be that booked....and of course to have a...
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    Believe in Miracles

    Please keep posting, I am praying for all of you.