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  1. greg334

    Would you turn in an idiot driver?

    Cheri, construction and congestion are not the issue, a bad a**hole driver is always a bad a**hole driver and it is the people in this industry who need to stand up and do something about it, not accept the behavior.
  2. greg334

    My Rant

    I went to make a pickup a few months back at a food distribution place and the dock manager had a cure for this issue seeing that a lot of trucks came in from Canada and Mexico - he had flash cards made for the 'requests' he was making to the driver. I saw it in action, the girl at the window...
  3. greg334

    Paul Craig Roberts will be sent to the gulag for this one

    They can't throw Greece out of the EU.
  4. greg334

    Would you turn in an idiot driver?

    Call the cops, have a police report made saying he threatened your lives and remember to put the parking brake on when the van is idling.
  5. greg334

    CARB- reffer / truck timeline reminder.

    What? You sitting on this thread and hitting refresh every minute? Or are you bored? If it's the latter, come on over and I got a shovel for you, I have lots of waste dirt from Zug Island I bought to be used to fill in that stupid wet lands in, want to get rid of them frogs and stupid...
  6. greg334

    Another babbling lunatic

    Sorry I meant - he's president, so he has to be a bit smarter than most. I put Newt into the same category as the rest because he had his chance and it was his leadership that laid the foundation for a lot of what we have today. Paul I discount his seriousness as a candidate not because of...
  7. greg334

    GOP: 'In God We Trust' bill needed to remind President Obama

    Cheri, Just wait. Greece is going to bring the EU down and in doing so our great leadership invested so much into the EU to hedge against the Dollar, the EU will bring us down. When this happens, we will be asking ourselves "what happened to the recovery?"
  8. greg334

    CARB- reffer / truck timeline reminder.

    It doesn't matter, Bush didn't do a thing so why expect Obama to? This needs to be settled either with congress or with the courts, not with the president.
  9. greg334

    GOP: 'In God We Trust' bill needed to remind President Obama

    That is right, but it does not mean as a country we have to be constantly reminded of it through a political vehicle of any sort and for a skewed political reason. The issue at hand is the problem that this congress has, seeing that the republicans have their head up their a** as the same as...
  10. greg334

    CARB- reffer / truck timeline reminder.

    You know ... layout ... Obama hasn't brought this on, it started with Reagan and his administration and continued through Obama's administration. BUT this issue has popped up not because of the liberals in congress and throughout our government but because the so-called conservatives were in...
  11. greg334

    Nov 3, 1964..D.C. residents cast first presidential votes

    The 21st is another one that needs to be repealed. There is no reason to celebrate and DC should be a place where no one lives but a place where federal business takes place and only that. It was setup not to be a place where corruption could take place but has since that date.
  12. greg334

    Changing Times in Expediting.

    I think that the problem with the overloading of the vans comes from in part the carrier and in part the driver. I don't think many carriers require a weight ticket to prove what one can haul and it seems that with the common knowledge that a 2500 model sprinter hauls X at most or a GMC 3500...
  13. greg334

    My Rant

    I would like to add, maybe we need to require some drivers to speak better. I mean I was at one place picking up a load last night and the driver who was behind me could not speak worth a d*mn, the guy from Mexico at the pickup window spoke clearer English than he did.
  14. greg334

    Dalmatian Named Queenie Dies in Unlawful Experiments at Wayne State

    Turtle, I somewhat understand your post but here is the problem, most of what is written in that article applies to a lot more than just Wayne State and their research. No matter how one wants to cut the subject up by presenting the material written by one or another fringe group, the use of...
  15. greg334

    Rand McNally TND 700/710 junk?

    If rand was serious about improving their product line and customer service, they should hand it over to a product development company that has a good track record for putting out a product that satisfies the customer. Without going into much detail, this is a cluster**** of a mess when you...
  16. greg334

    Hos force Majuer?

    Where are the results? I didn't see specifics and that's what I'm asking - how does the company screw one over with an EOBR? I don't see the EOBR as a tool for the company to screw the driver because the company does not have any control over the EOBR in the truck but it is another form of...
  17. greg334

    CARB- reffer / truck timeline reminder.

    No they actually don't. The key is interstate. The commerce clause was created to prevent the stifling of commerce between the states, a legitimate issue that came out of the wars between the states on items like Whiskey and indigo. The congress was hard pressed to prevent the problems that...
  18. greg334

    Changing Times in Expediting.

    Bruno(dave), We haven't seen much in the changes of vehicles in the last 6 years, the c unit is still a viable truck for one company and independents while the sprinter is just a PIA that needs to be eliminated so those c units can get more work - just kidding. The biggest change will be more...
  19. greg334

    Reply to Caffee's Blog

    OK I guess a PM isn't what it used to be, but someone mentioned a bit of a defensive posture on Phil's part by posting it here instead of asking Bob/Linda to post the comments on their site. It is simple, this is business and many make it out as something complex and others personal. Business...
  20. greg334

    Hand of Egypt's military rulers grows heavier

    Isn't there more to this story than just wanton killing? Also it seems to be odd, about 1700 years ago, it was Christians who pillaged Egypt after another coup, killing a lot of people in the process.