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  1. P

    Don't be stupid!!

    Wonder if someone's gettin fired today :eek:
  2. P

    Diesel Stolen While Driver Sleeps

    Jeez that's almost as much as a kidney!
  3. P

    Medical Dental equipments

    Ok, I'll play.. Plant Grows & Exporter for all special Occasions. There was a thread similar to this a few days ago by same username, but can't find it now.
  4. P

    Leased to 2 Carriers ???

    I might be off the wall here, but I'm sure I have heard of OOs refusing to have a qc on their truck, and I believe I have even read about how at least one carrier charges you for not having one, becuz of the extra time they have to spend in calling you. With Landstar, do they really care how...
  5. P

    Leased to 2 Carriers ???

    Yes, it would become quite cumbersome, wouldn't it? :D
  6. P

    Leased to 2 Carriers ???

    That's true, but isn't there a way the guy could be signed up with both carriers (against contract specifications, no doubt!), without either of them knowing about the other? That would then make sense for there to be 2 sets of log books, 2 sign plates, 2 inspections, etc. Jeeze not a bad deal...
  7. P

    New motor breakend

    I've heard that too.. hope there's some kind of warranty tho! And also, sorry about your loss, good luck back on the road, probably the best medicine for you!
  8. P

    Unable to register for Bolt FIRST

    Their site must not be able to handle the volume or something, becuz mine just keeps spinning and spinning, can't get on either.
  9. P

    Expedite Now Magazine

    Just received our first copy, thanks!!! Looks great! Wanted to make a few comments tho :cool: First, congrats Phil, on your new post as Editor of the magazine! As I was reading the Editor's Page though, and you were kind of introducing yourself, and saying how it came about, etc., you...
  10. P

    FEDEX CC Recruiting unresponsive!

    Glad to see you back Kyreax! Are you expediting yet? Interested to hear the progression of your fact-finding mission! So what'd you find out, and what'd you decide?
  11. P

    Leased to 2 Carriers ???

    It'd probably be a good idea not to name names? If he were independent, I doubt if he would have to submit to inspections by each carrier, like a contractor would. Could be he has his own plates, and insurance. Someone on here mentioned recently that a vehicle can be under 2 different...
  12. P

    Do you know what it cost for you to operate?

    I can't help seeing all this stuff from a bit of a different angle, becuz I owned a different kind of business. While I was in business, I found it quite interesting to hear other people's perspectives and definitions of 'making money'. The criteria used was so different from one biz owner to...
  13. P

    This is my final answer

    How would that work becuz, maybe I'm wrong, but it seems that most who are signed on with carriers are also operating under their insurances, as well as their operating authorities, and sometimes their plates as well. Plus the carrier would then be responsible for ensuring payment arrangements...
  14. P

    Logging in vehicles under 10,000 lbs. gvwr required ?

    The way I read it is, only if you are subject to logging in the first place, must you continue to log if you happen to be driving a van one day, to account for your total hours in the scheme of things.
  15. P

    60 States

    And don't forget the Fast Food Nation! Are we there yet??
  16. P

    Changing Carriers

    So happy to hear you have taken this big step for yourself! We wish you the best with your new carrier. It's great you have managed to keep your sense of humor through all of this! Please keep us posted as to how you're doing once you're on the road, I'm sure we'll be hearing a completely...
  17. P

    Expedite solutions. Told ya so!!!

    It could be possible that ES is changing their ways after all the bad publicity they have received, and perhaps lawsuits they are dealing with.
  18. P

    Own Authority and a Leased Operator

    Not sure if this is the info you are looking for, but check out: 'Travel, Entertainment, Gift and Car Expenses' It elaborates on the definition of 'Car' on page 17. -must not be over 6000lb gvw -does not include: a vehicle used directly in the business...
  19. P

    North To ALASKA!!

    I've been enjoying your story and waiting for more Hapipupi.. you're not finished yet are you??
  20. P

    Dispatch Favoritism

    Now that is really disturbing; it begs to have people look back and think about any times 'their' load has been cancelled, and wonder if they were just being lied to instead, even if they'd already driven 100 miles to get to it. And somehow, it just seems all the worse that such a favor would...