Search results

  1. greg334

    All Types Exp and Expeditersnetwork

    Well this just proves it does not take much to throw up a website and make claims or sell advertising space. It is frustrating to see another expediting site appear on the net but more so because almost everything leads back to one company. After many months of reading a lot of different...
  2. greg334

    Now the truth is out.

    As I was looking for my disaster volunteer manual for article material and I ran across my disaster history book of stats. As many of you know I hate the news media because of the false and misleading information that they keep saying about disasters, among a lot of other things. The one thing...
  3. greg334

    Time to park the truck?

    Leo, Thank you for the formula. Ok here is what I have been saying all along; you need to understand what you are doing and how you are doing it to make money. As much as some have said you don’t need a business plan, this is THE post that validates having one. Yes some have been in this...
  4. greg334

    Other than All Types who hires under 21?

    I have to say it. Don’t work for them. Run, run far away from them. theend said it all, they thrive on ignorance. I can’t understand how they can stay in business with this liability. I mean that this could easily lead to criminal charges in some circumstances. When I had to deal with...
  5. greg334

    Should I get an authority and get my own load or n

    RE: Should I get an authority and get my own load Henboy1 I agree with Leo that there are few van loads on I watched several boards for a few weeks to see which way I wanted to go and ended up contracting to Express-1. I didn’t find a lot of loads and with maybe 5000 vans to...
  6. greg334

    CB Radio

    This is too funny, just too funny. If you bother to get a Cobra/Uniden/midland don’t really bother getting it peaked. The extra 2 to 3 watts will not make much of a difference unless you put an amp behind it. All the other crap that some of these people try to sell you, save your money. Leo...
  7. greg334

    Care and feeding of the Dispatchers

    Mike Now I can’t speak for expediter dispatchers, but I was a dispatcher with about 150 people to deal with besides a few hundred customers. > How are Dispatchers rated as far as their job performance? Well we were rated on the amount of on time pickups, coordinating our drivers for...
  8. greg334

    Being Prepared

    Another good post As for volunteer training material, there is some stuff available from the Red Cross (you have to call them and ask) and several state organizations, I think Texas has one, but it has been a while since I needed anything like what you are looking for. You can also contact...
  9. greg334


    My frustration is going to come out on my reply, no apologies. Look a bit of advice, don’t believe anything you hear from the media, the right wing radio or Air America and especially the main stream media other than we had a disaster and help is on the ground. Each has their own agenda and...
  10. greg334

    A really dumb pilot car question

    Ok this may not be the place for this but here goes. I just got off the phone with someone who is thinking about going into the pilot car business and was trying to ask me questions. I told her I didn’t have a clue how to get into that business. The closest I ever came to that business is...
  11. greg334

    American Needs? FEMA and more...

    Bob thanks for the great post. Well the UK didnt send money (I think they did offer), they sent people (they work for the ministry of defense) who have been waiting to go in. I picked one up at DTW and drove him to Flint to catch a charter down there. Canada on the other hand has offered...
  12. greg334


    Hondaking38 The little unit that you are talking about is actually the GPS receiver and a microprocessor to interface with the PC or laptop. Most of these units are actually quite complicated and amazing. Well away, it all depends on your needs. The stand alone mapping units are used just for...
  13. greg334

    weigh stations and log books

    I will attempt to answer this. If anyone finds what I write incorrect, correct me please. OK first the magic figure is 10,000 pounds GVW. Remember that. The second thing is anything under 10,000 lbs GVW generally don’t have to log or scale in most states. I know that Kentucky does require any...
  14. greg334

    buying your own Qualcomm

    Leo Sorry, I can't help wth your search but I have a really dumb question, Why would you want to own it in the first place?
  15. greg334

    Aux. heater on Sprinters

    Actually the Aux heater that is installed is an Espar (or a correct name is Eberspächer) heater. I think it is a model D5W in the Sprinter and is very well proven outside of the US. It is a water heater. Eberspächer makes a lot of heaters, both for water and air and both gas and diesel. If you...
  16. greg334


    Yes, I don’t see why not. I made it and used it a lot. I have yet to actually buy it anywhere here in Michigan but I expect they a station will sell it near me. The problem I know about is deteriorating hoses and seals on earlier trucks. Some of the processes used to process the oil to make...
  17. greg334

    Now it's the Hurricane's fault???

    Thanks hdl, that was good. As a professional disaster recovery planner/trainer/tester who has worked with FEMA, Red Cross and state and local authorities, I have to tell everyone the state and cities have the planning, approval and budgeting authority, not the federal government. Of course...
  18. greg334

    Now it's the Hurricane's fault???

    I want to add a couple things here and pass on some stuff from a former marine in New Orleans. I lived through Hugo, one of the wakeup calls for all of us before this hurricane and I have to say that the mayor and governor dropped the ball on this one, not the federal government. Mayor Riley...
  19. greg334

    fuel cost

    Riverbob1 is right on the money but I think that he left out a few things. The first thing that comes to mind for me is that the high price of oil (all the different types of crude that is) actually came from the futures market, not the spot market. The trickle down effect caused the spot...
  20. greg334

    Questions about expediting in a cargo van

    Dave I am going to be brutally honest with you. I am a newbie, 5 weeks into the game and I have had to face a few realities that I have been warned about. I am going to pass these on to you. The first thing is shop around for a company to work for, don’t let the recruiter tell you a bunch of...