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  1. Slo-Ride

    January 2015

    No goofing off enroute. :D
  2. Slo-Ride

    January 2015

    Winter. I hate it...I hate it..I hate it.. And to think I use to be a avid snowmobiler. Did I mention I hate winter now.
  3. Slo-Ride

    January 2015

    Being that it's in Ohio, I'll go with strange creatures until I learn different :D
  4. Slo-Ride

    January 2015

    Hey what are the signs that's say migration area down here? Is this a waterfowl area or or do you just have strange creatures running the highway Just west of Highway 598...
  5. Slo-Ride

    January 2015

    Lol.. Dang you're eating good this year. Im loaded and rolling west on your favorite highway.
  6. Slo-Ride

    January 2015

    Had I known you where going out to eat I would have came down here sooner..
  7. Slo-Ride

    January 2015

    Not sure on the us as in me.. But 2014 certainly made my banker (wife) stand up and take notice.. 2014 ended as my worst year ever in this business. Appears most of it is due to lack of work or inability to load the truck once getting out of the core area and resulting in empty moves back. 2014...
  8. Slo-Ride

    I-94 145 Truck Stop Closed.

    145 also has a large 2 bay shop.. I don't know if they will still operate.. I will post answer to that as I find out. I worked in that shop for a few years when I first moved to this area.. Made some good cash out at the the Grass Lake scale house just to the east.
  9. Slo-Ride

    I-94 145 Truck Stop Closed.

    Heads up if your planning on fuel or food at the 145 truck stop in Jackson Michigan.. (Exit 145 Sargent rd). Some sort of kitchen fire has gutted the place @ 4am this morning.. No other details.. As of right now the whole place is closed. Truck parking appears to be still open.
  10. Slo-Ride

    What I thought about EZ pass all along...

    Big bother may have bought into it... Who knows? Who cares? At this point it makes my life easy and I'm keeping it know matter who can see it.. World isn't going to end over Epass. If you can't afford the time stamp stay away from the toll roads.
  11. Slo-Ride

    December 2014

    it's always a thing We with us. 5 guns 6 birds we all got 6 birds. Kind of like we are going to get my boat this year. Meaning me and you. Just got to decide now on a one man or two man.
  12. Slo-Ride

    December 2014

    Tip; if you're going to get into knocking down birds, especially pheasant start preparing now. It can be a lot of work walking those fields. This year took its toll on me just walking out to set the decoys. Had no idea old age was setting in that fast.. :D
  13. Slo-Ride

    December 2014

    Loaded and rolling.. M.T. in just a few short hours.. That's it for the year I believe.
  14. Slo-Ride

    December 2014

    We will see what Jan thinks about all that... :D
  15. Slo-Ride

    December 2014

    Join up with your local DU or Pheasants forever chapters...Lots of raffles to get into..Most have preety good odds.
  16. Slo-Ride

    December 2014

    Yep that's the bad part of taking time off.. Happens every year
  17. Slo-Ride

    December 2014

    You know its just going to be that much harder to come back out when ya do..Time to go part time. Order that sprinter yet? :cool:
  18. Slo-Ride

    December 2014

    Corrected it for ya. :D
  19. Slo-Ride

    December 2014

    1 more trip in the morning then I am shutting it down.. Have the family food fest Saturday and get to see all the little ones we don't see thru the year..Should be a good time.. Completely lost count to where the family has grown to but I'm glad this gathering isn't at my house this year...
  20. Slo-Ride

    December 2014

    Be safe driver.. Be careful putting some of that info to print on a public website. :D Unless of course your part of team.