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  1. Slo-Ride

    January 2015

    Old saying applies...Da**ed if ya do and D**ned dont.. Hope ya get one.
  2. Slo-Ride

    January 2015

    Pick another city...A lot of vans/moving in and out of the Marysville Walmart. What/where they are doing/going is anyone's guess. I'm well on my way to another restart and not a single call. Looks like Another no freight Friday lining up.
  3. Slo-Ride

    Canned corn final answer

    Yep just what protection I want when faced off with a psychopathic gunmen. Hit me with a can of corn and see what happens next.. NY will require small cans, No super size.:D Principal: Students Can 'Hurl' Cans Of Corn at Gunmen As 'Last Resort'
  4. Slo-Ride

    5.9 cummins cold weather miss

    Good to see a follow up post with what repair was done.. Did you find a blockage or kinked line? Or just luck and process of elimination?
  5. Slo-Ride

    January 2015

    Not sure I know what the hopper is...Maybe we have direct know that I think about it. She does the paperwork with the bills.. I just hand the money over and forget about it.. Less stress for me, she gets it all. :D
  6. Slo-Ride

    January 2015

    Go figure on the increase.. We are thinking about shuting it off and putting it in wife's name to get the price back down for awhile... My nephew is some sort of regional manger with them and he says its the only way around it.. They only let ya do it once. Between the cell phone bills and...
  7. Slo-Ride

    Historic rifle found

    Nice find.. Pretty sure I left that leaning there and I want it back... I officially lay first claim to it. :D
  8. Slo-Ride

    January 2015

    That leaves you 1.9 because I never step over one either.:cool:
  9. Slo-Ride

    January 2015

    Wouldn't let the price of tires or a seat be your deciding factor. But I suppose it one more thing to look at.. Here's hoping you get back out here soon.
  10. Slo-Ride

    January 2015

    I bet that would be on good guy prices but still better then refinance a new one until he can get back on his feet with that banking issue... Not knowing the condition of the rest of the vehicle I'm just asking...
  11. Slo-Ride

    January 2015

    Losing a motor really blows..Sorry this happened to you. Swapping motor out not a option with your truck?
  12. Slo-Ride

    Super Night!

    Thanks Layout, but as I said before I'm nothing but day labor when it comes to these events. So much is done by others in the chapter that it makes my head spin. Then its the people that attend that make it a huge success. I agree with your second paragraph, and the few years I been there its...
  13. Slo-Ride

    January 2015

    Geeeeez I'm gonna get spanked with another refusal even after I told them twice I cant do it. Second one was going deeper. But I guess that shows the work is there and that's a good thing
  14. Slo-Ride

    January 2015

    Auto Correct is my excuse:cool:
  15. Slo-Ride

    Forum Game

    Lol.. Go to that YouTube link and start from there. There is a couple other videos. Not sure how long I'll stick with it it but it does kind of peak my interest. Keep in mind to open the portal google has to approve it. And that could take a week or two before it will be activated. Google...
  16. Slo-Ride

    January 2015

    I thought you said 8 am.. I will get ahold of you once I get out of this wind storm. I still need the name of the place/ address where we're meeting at. See you in the morning
  17. Slo-Ride

    January 2015

    Your correct... I got about 45/miles north and got a really nice paying load offer.. But I have a Ducks Unlimited event in the morning and couldn't take the chance of getting hung up out here.
  18. Slo-Ride

    January 2015

    Shaping up as no freight Friday. As soon as coffee pot is empty it looks likely its another empty trip home again.
  19. Slo-Ride

    Forum Game

    Then your just not getting the full experience of the game. Or your hacking and pushing buttons while driving :D
  20. Slo-Ride

    Forum Game

    Crap another game to research... Lol never got into that.