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    You can thruough your Homeowners Agent (seperate policy) very reasonable about $100 a year insure your personal belongings as to keep your homeowners reasonable should you have a loss. I am not sure if you could put straps and load bars but I guess you can. I insure my laptop, GPS, and other...
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    Pilot is Towing Trucks

    You have your facts in order, but something just does not add up. Never have had a problem here but I did see a truck get towed there last year and the only place I have ever seen one towed. The truck deserved it though, he parked on top of the fuel outlets for the tanker. The ones with the...
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    New Gas Plan

    Jap, did your Father, and Fathers, Father fight for any rights in this country? I do believe Bruno was talking about ILLEGAL people you know those who come here use all of our resources and than send there money back home. The same ones who when they need Medical attention are flat broke but...
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    Rose Colored Glasses

    Phil has alot to say and very informative. I choose not read it though as it is just to long repeating what others typed earlier and giving a long explantion. Phil in otherwords condense your thoughts, and many more people including myself just might begin reading it again, your opinions are...
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    Years in the Trucking Business

    and Previous Business Expierence counts for ???
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    Fuel Island Truck Wash

    There I am this morning at 5:45 fueling when the guy next to me decides I need a bath as much as his truck. Now getting wet did ##### me off but what I was really worried about or would have been mad about is if he sprayed water into my tanks on accident. The tanks were dry but that was my...
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    Pilot is Towing Trucks

    Bruno, First of all calm down. I agree 100% with Leo here. I have been on that lot maybee 70 spots. Now everyone reading this realize this is just S. of Detroit one of the major trucking centers in the USA and how many truck stops are in the Detroit area? ONE, do you think that they can...
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    Being fair for the contract driver

    Before signiing on did you take the time to do a back ground check, like pending or previous lawsuites??? Please answer yes or no.
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    Chuck, will you plese post your agreement with this OO for us. What was the %, or did you pay this owner a flat fee for rental of the truck week to week or both? I wish for others to learn from what has gone sour in such a short time. And from your opinion what did you do to both aid...
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    John Kerry: American Soldiers Are Terrorists

    Good point Greg, but respect he has not shown us any but I could be incorrect. Insurance rates have sky rocketed in our State and the insurance commission only reasoning for it being above inflation is the amublance chasers who are driving doctors out of practice from high insurance rates for...
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    Newbie Owner needs some questions asked.

    Excuse me for being BLUNT. Has anyone ever, heard of someone loosing their truck after it was paid for? How about putting more than 20% down or 30% or 40%? What is money for? Its for investing and spending period. To take a loan out at 7-8% and get a return (safe) at 4% to 5% is the poorest...
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    Driver Shortage

    Where is this shortage really at? If there is such a shortage than why have rates not gone up, supply and demand should be raising our rates and instead they are stagnet or is just me? I did not get into this to get rich, just to make a good enough living to support myself and family. With...
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    Budgeting maintenance/repairs

    How do others (you) budget for maintenance? How much do you budget for repairs (unexpected)? Where do you keep the funds until needed? What would you do with the funds at the end of the year if you have a surplus?
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    Rough idle at start on a 6.0 diesel

    Good suggestions, I would bet $ on it though its an injector. The ULSD has played havoc on mine and many others. We were the test rabbits as the new fuel cleaned out the refineries, pipelines, tankers, tanks at the fuel stations, our own tanks, and fuel lines. According to what I have...
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    leg cramps

    All good suggestions, I have noticed that salty foods and soda does this to me.
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    New Orleans%2C Time to move on

    No Greg he is gona point the finger at Police Officers who being fired upon and reacted and let them go to jail. The news of these officers really is disturbing when there was no law at all but someones gotta be at fault cause of a Punks idea to take shots, than be killed, but his family is...
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    Clinton Administration hid 9/11 Documents...

    I really hate the blame game, I am confident that Clinton Screwed us big time by hidding things from us that Busch even screwed up bigger by HAVING TO MAKE DECISIONs that others swept under the rug. With that said I just wish all politicians would grow up and go forward for the best of the...
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    John Kerry: American Soldiers Are Terrorists

    Oh Please I hope you are so right star. Being from NC he has accomplished nothing, but he is a pretty boy..... A pretty boy ambulance chaser, thats how he made his millions, off of doctors or someone tripping on your sidewalk. I would Trust Hillary before I would trust him, at least she has...
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    How much do you expect to make?

    Great Lakes thats to cool, you have a nice little nitch I would keep it a secret... Jack, I would continue on whata gona do spend it all? Serious I enjoy working and working hard when I do work. Another reason I do not play the lotto I would probably win and have to make that decision...
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    What van should I buy?

    Not that I have any expierence in Janitorial look at my handle (name). That is not a business that you can run being away for exteneded periods of time. You would even consider (trying) this while you could easily secure one more paying account to take care of your financial situation...