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  1. greg334

    State Police Warning To ALL!! Please Read.....

    RE: State Police Warning To ALL!! Please Read.... I found this posted way back in August of 06 and this link today; Oh if you yahoo Tracey Sharber, there is an actual person and I even found pages that someone with that name has posted with...
  2. greg334

    Nancy asked a qeustion and she got an answer

    Well she got a lot of answers to be exact, 10,450 last count. Today I hit the home page, yahoo and I see a picture of this ugly old lady (see at the bottom of my post) and this quip. Nancy Pelosi asks ... "Congress is working on legislation to address global warming. What should be...
  3. greg334

    Flying J Drops Visa

    I really think that there is something really wrong with a national chain becoming a credit provider for fuel. I guess seeing the price difference between the Pilot at exit 18 on 75 in Monroe Mi being different than the one at exit 15 on 75 in Monroe Mihas something to do with my feelings...
  4. greg334

    Doing what is right

    Oh that's already gone, I think he is running just to pay some people off who needed jobs.
  5. greg334

    non cdl truck?

    So as per the regs, the hot shot idiot who passed me this morning flying down the freeway at 80 plus with 5 cars on his trailer needs a class A?
  6. greg334

    Doing what is right

    I just read 300 pages of the 1000 plus page of the Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007 and got to say this is a bad thing for all of us. This is not going to be just test voted on today but the senate will force passage of this bill later this week as fast...
  7. greg334

    Big Buck Brewery

    The one off of I75 south of Lapeer road is closed, the one in Gaylord is open.
  8. greg334

    Approval / Disapproval Ratings

    "The polls also show most Americans want us out of Iraq, and don't want a war with Iran either." Polls also show that most americans want jobs, tax relief and a protected border above anything to do with Iraq.
  9. greg334

    steering wheel

    OK that is not an FL70 and it does not need a smaller steering wheel. Nice picture.
  10. greg334

    big question

    She has been sending letters to him to keep Micheal Moore in Cuba to prevent him from filming an expose on cat food industry using unsafe dolphin tuna.
  11. greg334

    Responding to an invite

    I heard about this on Glenn Beck the other day and wanted to share this with you. Apparently Micheal Moore had challanged Fred Thompson to a debate and this is Fred Thompson's response. This is a...
  12. greg334

    HR 1773 Passed 411 YEA and 3 Nay

    " ....the benefit of OOIDA when it comes to legislation like this and other urgent issues is that if I don't have time to get on here and read the EO forums or other online forums or news, OOIDA makes sure I know about these things anyway by sending an alert by email. IMO, that's a big help in...
  13. greg334

    failed random drug test

    Yea I was stunned to have it happen the second time, the third I asked them for the details of the selection process and the forth I just didn't care anymore. The point that I was upset about was the taking me out of service to do the test, nothing else.
  14. greg334

    Gasoline brand

    Well after my morning reply to my senator, Carl Levin, I am disgusted with the need to 'help' the domestic automakers out by providing funding for research and development when we need to write a simple law, you will produce a vehicle that will get X amount of mileage out of a gallon of gas by...
  15. greg334

    HR 1773 Passed 411 YEA and 3 Nay

    I don't agree that the OOIDA was the only factor in this like you said but it was us - the voter, not them that got this passed. Also "NAFTA committed the U.S. to allow Mexican trucks to cross the border" NAFTA also has some stuff that was put in to it to force the changes needed in Mexico...
  16. greg334

    failed random drug test

    nightcreacher I got hit with a drug test every quarter last year and twice with an alcohol screen. No accidents, no nothing... just dumb luck.
  17. greg334

    Changing truck sizes

    OK who is the company?
  18. greg334

    Why do I mostly see FECC trucks in Layover.

    It does not matter if you see them when you get there, it matters if they stay there when you get up in the morning. I watch a lot when I park and it is funny that 4 FedEx trucks (beside mine) are parked when I go to bed but I am the only one or one of two that are left in the morning. The...
  19. greg334

    Beep Beep

    Cheri, I had to use my 'big' horns today when I moved my truck. The kids in the area were playing in the street and in the driveway at a house I have to pass to get the truck back to it's parking space, no big deal there but as I am going down the street one parent decided to pick up one of the...
  20. greg334


    You know OVM, many people just don't get it. I would like to see you take the path to find employment I had to deal with. For all that it is worth, I don't really blame many of the people who use the system to take som eof the jobs away. In my case I had to train my replacement and he was from...