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  1. RLENT

    Russia Invades Ukraine

    Oh I dunno ... you certainly don't seem to have a problem coming up with voices on the Left against foreign wars. That's a road supporters of The Orange Pus Sack would be best not to go down. So what ... you're now the official spokeshole for all of "MAGA" ? :tearsofjoy: Being against...
  2. RLENT

    Russia Invades Ukraine

    In case you missed it: President Zelensky is Kyiv ... :tearsofjoy:
  3. RLENT

    Russia Invades Ukraine

  4. RLENT

    Russia Invades Ukraine

    Not everyone is Surrender Monkey-inclined ... ;)
  5. RLENT

    Russia Invades Ukraine

    Of course. I'm sure Tuckyo Rose will get on it straight away ... :tearsofjoy:
  6. RLENT

    Russia Invades Ukraine

    Glad to see an appropriate message is now being sent. :clapping-happy:
  7. RLENT

    Russia Invades Ukraine

    Pooty has been given numerous opportunities to take an off-ramp ... just in case you missed it: he's still declining. Wrong analysis, wrong causation, and wrong target ... as usual. It's our fight - Uncle Pooty has declared it to be so. Take him at his word.
  8. RLENT

    Russia Invades Ukraine

    It was really more of commentary on losing the ability to troll here if Uncle Pooty would take down EO. Like Rags, I'd guess that he isn't much interested in the jaw-jacking going on here. But I could be wrong. :tearsofjoy:
  9. RLENT

    Russia Invades Ukraine

    Darth is on a roll tonight ... suggest reading the entire thread: :tearsofjoy:
  10. RLENT

    Russia Invades Ukraine

    Your life - such as it is - would be totally destroyed. :tearsofjoy:
  11. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    Oh ... I have a lot more bookmarks than that ... But here's a couple you may want to bookmark:
  12. RLENT

    Russia Invades Ukraine

    Who is Igor Girkin you ask ? A rather nasty little bit of work: Igor Girkin
  13. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    Bookmarked ... :tearsofjoy:
  14. RLENT

    President O'Biden

  15. RLENT

    Russia Invades Ukraine

    Has some heart problems I hear ... hopefully not Novichok induced ... :clapping-happy:
  16. RLENT

    Russia Invades Ukraine

    Good audition ... for the Baghdad Bob role here on this thread ? :clapping-happy:
  17. RLENT

    Russia Invades Ukraine

    And it also includes wounded ... which become a drag on the unwounded fighters remaining ... even if one has good med-evac ... which the Putinists do not. ;)
  18. RLENT

    Russia Invades Ukraine

    Figure out what percentage of the troops involved in the entire operation are actually frontline combat troops and how many are backend resupply/logistics ops personnel + lower tier reserves and conscripts. It's primarily the former that are taking the hit. Once a BTG (battalion tactical...
  19. RLENT

    Russia Invades Ukraine

    Precisely what point are you attempting to make there with that graphic ?
  20. RLENT

    Russia Invades Ukraine
