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  1. greg334

    More fun in this biz than a barrel of monkees

    I've been to several UPS places, never had an issue. Been to GM and Ford, not a problem. I tell them right up front, can't lock my truck to the dock and they look at me and say 'ok'. I think it should be on the company not the driver/owner. If they won't load you, then the company still needs...
  2. greg334

    Ron Paul goes after the Lizard

    I am not underestimating anything, I understand completely and in many regards right there with you but it is the same boring rhetoric that is what the problem is for many of us who don't count ourselves as a conservative ... what ever that is. Yes we had, Nixon was a very divisive president...
  3. greg334

    Voltage read out

    I understand what you are saying but see here is the point, the load doesn't vary with the engine speed, but the voltage does internally so the alternator regulator varies the voltage to the field windings to maintain the right voltage going out of it for any given engine speed. Speeding it up...
  4. greg334

    Quit Question

    Well I would think about this carefully, it matters that the right information gets to you before considering how much you will make or how the truck will be used because if you get someone who screws with you right from the beginning, nothing else matters. But to answer the concern, I would...
  5. greg334


    Then I recommend you don't try this at all. There are things that can happen that will leave you in a worse situation than you started out with.
  6. greg334

    Voltage read out

    Depends on who installed the QC unit. I wouldn't think that QC unit pulls 100 amps. BUT with that said, I am thinking the alternator is starting to fail. It may be getting warm for it and because of that, there is an internal problem where the regulator is not working right. I have the same...
  7. greg334

    More fun in this biz than a barrel of monkees

    I wouldn't do a thing to add an additional ICC or move it back. The dock people can deal with not having the truck locked to it and you can put a chock on the wheel, lower your dollies and show them the truck isn't going to move. You have a chance of screwing up the lift gate by having them...
  8. greg334

    Ron Paul goes after the Lizard

    Well it isn't because the mainstream media tells us so, it is because many don't care. There are more important things in their lives to worry about the guns in Mexico or some solar company going belly up. I think to put this in perspective, the republican party, like the democrats have courted...
  9. greg334

    The Obama Record Continues

    He collaborated with the democrats and a lot of the things they wanted passed got passed. Reaching across the isle a bit too much. That wasn't a budget surplus, it was a projection and the projection was eaten up in a few months by the additional spending that took place. Not really what I'm...
  10. greg334

    Ann Barnhardt - The All American Girl

    I think there are two different issues here, the first being a nut case speaking to others who think like her acting as she has the knowledge to demean and d*mn an entire religion based on her fear and ignorance. The other thing is trying to take out of context some issues that have happened in...
  11. greg334

    How bizarre is this

    Ah ... yes after ten years ... we haven't gotten around to getting this straight but ...
  12. greg334

    Quit Question

    OK I guess ... :p I wouldn't worry about how the company is going to run the truck but rather wonder if the owner is telling the truth and you are not running for a shady operation. EVERY driver of EVERY company has a process to go through in order to satify first the insurance company and...
  13. greg334

    purchasing a ST

    I always pay because it eliminates the BS of trying to convince someone to allow you to do it. I never bought from a dealer because I got tired of two issues with dealers, one was feeling I was taking their time up when I was more important to them then they are to me and the other has been that...
  14. greg334

    Ann Barnhardt - The All American Girl

    I'm getting a bit of a different picture from two people who are not attached to the US government or the military - I trust them more than the PR arm of the military. They are saying the problems are more to do with a cultural difference between the US/NATO and the people who are in charge of...
  15. greg334

    purchasing a ST

    Learn how to account for everything. Get a journal or what ever and write every expense and every important thing down. Learn how to keep track of your maintaince and how to plan on PM. There's not much difference, I think it may be harder to buy a good sprinter (Due Diligence) than it is a...
  16. greg334


    OK First no one hires anyone in this business as the norm, they are contracted to do the work. A driver who doesn't own their own van is a sub-contractor. Personally I would not even consider getting into this business as a driver for a van owner - too many vans are way too cheap to buy...
  17. greg334

    heater & ac blower not working

    The 2007 to date uses the same exact part. I think it is the motor.