Veteran Expediter
Greg... you underestimate our level of disgust with Obama.
I am not underestimating anything, I understand completely and in many regards right there with you but it is the same boring rhetoric that is what the problem is for many of us who don't count ourselves as a conservative ... what ever that is.
We have never had a President who proved to be so divisive and so indifferent to the will of the people.
Yes we had, Nixon was a very divisive president, so was LBJ and Wilson too for that matter. What is the difference is that we live in a different world than we used to live in and news/information is transmitted to us, the people at speeds that we don't understand and can't comprehend the content or context of the news/information fast enough to make sense of it.
Look at how Obama forced the socialized healthcare down our throats.
He didn't really force anyone at this point, that is the present congress that has ... why? look around and think what has been done to defund it?
At his direction, several wavering Senators were brazenly bought off( with hundreds of millions of American taxpayer dollars) ... poll after poll showed the majority of Americans opposed the Obamacare initiatives. Still, Obama and Harry Reid plotted to force passage of the bill through gimmickry and deceit. Using every dirty trick and manipulation available, Obamacare was shoe-horned into law in spite of great outcry.
AND it took two parts of congress to do this. I didn't see the outrage over this as I did with immigration reform where congress was told with no uncertain terms not to pass the reform but in this case health care did pass and the present congress has done nothing to stop it.
What I have been told is something rather stupid, the republicans in congress want to wait until the thing goes through the courts to ensure they are not blamed for a failure in repealing the law, so essentially they too screwed the people by being passive about it. SO I expect the same old promise to repeal it will come from the republican candidate and the same promise will be broken as it was with those making it in 2010.
Obamacare came at a dear cost to Obama and the Democrats.
It did?
Why didn't they lose more seats in the senate?
You look at what's going on with them and you may see something else.
The Tea Party movement rose up to stem any further advances of Obama's agenda. The Tea Party organized a huge get-out-the -vote tsunami which produced the largest GOP takeover of the House of Representatives in 60 or 70 years.
That victory, which I am happy to see, was lost by the old guard of the republican party. If you remember right, many of the tea party were told to "sit down and shut up" by not the democrats but their own party when the 2011 budget was being passed in the new congress. IT was repeated when the debt ceiling was debated - remember? The house leadership all were compromising to get some budget passed in order not to have a government shutdown while many in the tea party and many of us citizens wanted to see it shut down to prove who had the power. They could have used that as a great PR thing but lost it when the thing passed and no one made a big deal about it.
Moreover, as a direct result of Obama's vanity in defying the will of the American people, he lost Congress and any further chance of passing meaningful legislation for the remainder of his term in office.
I have to ask something -
How many weeks did Obama have with a democratic majority in both houses of congress and in that time how many of his meaningful legislation was passed?
I don't think he had all that positive backing as Clinton had with a republican held congress.
Obama will never again be able to force his will through the legislative process.
I think he never did to begin with.
Now, Obama rules through Executive Orders and directing changes in administrative law through the regulatory agencies such as the EPA.
Well hate to break the news to you but Ron Paul made a great point a while back - it is congress's fault that regulatory agencies and the executive branch can write regulations. This goes to the core of our governance in congress or lack of where congress has the power to take that right back but chooses not to because that's what both parties want to do so their guy can "run" things - whether or not it is obama or Bush or who ever.
We are going to see a lot of EO and regulatory mandates. It is all he's got.
Actually nope he's got more which is scary.
Even worse, Obama has been the biggest wet blanket the world economy has ever seen. He began bad-mouthing capitalism and American business as soon as he declared his Presidential aspirations.
Didn't clinton do the same thing - bad big corporations being mean to the little guy.
So far as I can remember, Obama remains the only person to get elected talking down his country.
You don't read much because a lot of senators and congressmen who have gone on these junkets to China or somewhere else seem to be doing the same thing. Wasn't there a SoS who apologized for something or another to do with our country?
It is absolutely stupefying any rational person could have supported this man. He does not love this country. That is why he promised to fundamentally change America. Obama's "hope and change" have brought us to the egde of national economic suicide.
I understand why many of them voted for the guy, what I can't understand is the idea that someone who is part of the system and calling themselves a conservative is thought of as someone who can "save" the country.
We are in a very dark period of American history. If the 2012 election is a referendum on Barack Obama's record, he cannot win.
No not at all. The dark times were between 1911 and 1920, those were days that if we faced them now, we wouldn't know what to do.
The funny thing is that many don't get this, like today, how many read about the defense budget and how it was passed with the reasons behind the bi-lateral support?
Talk about scary.
If the Democrats and their accomplices in the media succeed in making the race about something else, it will be a much closer contest. God help us, Obama has to go.
But see here is the thing, the media may be part of the problem but so is the opposition.
I mean looking at who's standing on the stage the other night at the debate and seeing them answer the questions made me wonder why are these guys even here when they knew what was wrong and could have done more. I exclude Paul and Cain for a few reasons but overall people like Romney are true liberals, just left of center while Gingrich is just a little right of him and the rest are just playing follow the leader and lack any and all skills to lead. This is scary, that alone wouldn't bother me until I read some of the defensive positions that have been made by some (here and other places) where they just don't get that we may be in a worse situation with one of them and a congress that isn't balanced properly than we will ever have with Obama in office.
I think Paul and others like him have made the point that congress needs to be changed and I tend to side with that reasoning based on the fact that congress is more of a threat to us, the citizens, than obama could ever be. This may be one of the reasons why I keep harping on Gingrich and the idea that the republican party can do something more than crap on the voter.