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  1. jaminjim

    EORB Concerns fromthe FedEx forum

    If you were offended by any post in this thread, I would suggest that you look inward, the problem rests within.
  2. jaminjim

    EORB Concerns fromthe FedEx forum

    No, you just seem to post some of the most incoherent.... Never mind
  3. jaminjim

    EORB Concerns fromthe FedEx forum

    Never mind, ....
  4. jaminjim

    Rep. Ron Paul wins the most support for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination

    Re: Rep. Ron Paul wins the most support for the 2012 Republican presidential nominati I don't know anything about the guy, but before he could take office he would be about 77 years old. Too old for him to get voted in.
  5. jaminjim

    Ford 350

    Okay, so here is the story, after removing the new (reman)starter and seeing nothing wrong he drove it to Advanced Auto Parts and told them to listen to the problem. They agreed that it was a bad starter and replaced it. There were some loose screws and a stripped mounting screw hole on the...
  6. jaminjim

    There is hope!!

    Have you lost your mind? Layoff law abiding citizens so that you can have cheaper prisoners do the work. Yes I know that it has already been done in some areas but that does not make it the right thing to do.
  7. jaminjim

    Why does the Census cost 14 billion?

    As much as it pains me to say ;) I was going to say just have Google do it.
  8. jaminjim

    Idiot in Austin dead

    The difference is someone has done something that is deserving of our respect. The other should be shown respect. If you really meant that, your respect for someone's deeds would be meaningless. To me thats similar to saying "because you are a male, your a man"
  9. jaminjim

    Idiot in Austin dead

    OVM are you sure you don't have some French blood in you?
  10. jaminjim

    Idiot in Austin dead

    Don't you think that might be a bit of a stretch? I'm thinking that a soldier that lost their life in combat serving his Country is far and away more deserving of our respect.
  11. jaminjim

    Ford 350

    I don't think there were any shims.
  12. jaminjim

    Idiot in Austin dead

    If you mean they had no firearms I would agree that it appears they (the protesters) had none. At the time they were at least protesters, and at most rioters If you are saying that they were ruthlessly shot I don't see where there is any proof of that. If you mean they were shot while not armed...
  13. jaminjim

    Ford 350

    I'll have him check it out, thanks.
  14. jaminjim

    Ford 350

    Is there any test we could run to see if that is the problem?
  15. jaminjim

    Ford 350

    Thanks for the ideas. I'm sorry I didn't respond back sooner I was a tired little boy.:o Yeah, he replaced the the solenoid at the same time. He replaced the alternator a few days earlier. While trying to "diagnose' that problem he cranked the engine a lot, causing the starter to take a dump...
  16. jaminjim

    Ford 350

    My son has a power stroke 7.3 diesel (2002) He just replaced the starter and now the new one seems to stay engaged for a split second after the engine starts. He said he removed it and stuck it to the battery to see if it (the gear) snapped back quickly. It did so he reinstalled it and has the...
  17. jaminjim

    Idiot in Austin dead

    Isn't that where a bunch of young people went with rocks and bottles to a gunfight?
  18. jaminjim

    One of my worst fears

    If it wasn't for the being in service thingy, vast quantities of beer will either make you forget the problem... or cures it, not sure which. No, how?:rolleyes:
  19. jaminjim

    What do you need to know before you sign on w/ a carrier?

    There is a very long thread somewhere in here that answers that pretty thoroughly.
  20. jaminjim

    Canada Metric System

    My original complaint with going 'metric' was the fact that I would need to replace at least $10 thousand dollars worth of tools for no real reason.