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  1. greg334

    Starting expediting ?'s

    Really? I'm not trying to bash you but ... I can't figure out what it is with these two quotes, maybe I'm missing something.
  2. greg334

    Couple Questions

    There's more to the company trained thing - I know a few who were not in such a hurry and ended up getting almost screwed by the company. Lucky for them they had a good lawyer. I would start with Truckers Report Trucking Forum | Largest CDL Truck Driver Message Board - The Largest Truck...
  3. greg334

    Starting expediting ?'s

    Where's Turtle/Greg/Cheri/other mod? Ah, I'm right here and don't remember which link it is. Maybe the shelled one or Cheri knows.
  4. greg334

    Chevy/GMC Cargo Van MGP?

    Get the ford.
  5. greg334

    So if you can use this as a defense.

    It not an issue IF the citizens should have access to the information but whether or not the information is actually harmful to the country. I oppose leaking information but all for open access to much of it. As for the Gay thing, sorry if one is to use the defense of being gay made him do...
  6. greg334

    Des Moines Registar endorses Romney

    In an editorial entitled "Mitt Romney is the best to lead" the newspaper said the former Massachusetts governor possessed the qualities of wisdom, sobriety and judgment. Really? Wonder if they are celebrating something in Iowa and are drunk.
  7. greg334

    Starting expediting ?'s

    Sorry there dude, but an expediter is one who is prepared to move when the load is ready.
  8. greg334

    Question on "Great Rate"

    It depends. I mean that until you know what you are doing on the accounting front, it may be only about the money you see (hear) and not the potential (or lack of) in leveraging opportunities that happens behind the 'rate'.
  9. greg334

    The Real Newt Gingrich

    You can actually replace Obama with Bush, just modify the statement a little and have the same level of validity with the statement backed up by reasonable facts. The issues we have with Bush were primarily fiscally: The sluggish economy, which he exacerbated by his meteoric spending, the...
  10. greg334

    Talk about up and downs

    Ups and downs? Is there something I missed?
  11. greg334

    Garden Center 2012

    OK I guess the point of having a gardening thread is now about toys and dresses? I didn't think you's guys had any trees in SD with all the oil derricks being all over the place.
  12. greg334

    Garden Center 2012

    What?? Dressing up in fancy dresses?
  13. greg334

    The Real Newt Gingrich

    See Rlent, you brought up a very good point about the reasoning why they didn't vote for the republican candidate. I think that there is a valid point that the old guard of the republican party wanted McCain who represented them, the party, and it didn't matter what the people wanted. Muttly...
  14. greg334

    PAUL well he or wont he????

    Why worry about Paul, I would worry about Trump and others. Even if Paul would run as a third party candidate, with the lack of a competitor in the republican field, Obama still has a good chance to win.
  15. greg334

    Starting expediting ?'s

    The thing that many don't seem to get is that they don't have to buy new. A capital investment of $140k into a new truck may not pay itself off unless the economy returns to 2006 levels, which is unlikely. As a fleet owner, leveraging used equipment to make money soon than later pays off in...
  16. greg334

    Starting expediting ?'s

    I can tell you from experience that if you get pulled over, get into an accident or pulled behind the scale, you won't have any time other than getting your paper work out for the officer because if you even hint at three days of updating the log, you may be facing a 10 hour reset (maybe a 34...
  17. greg334

    Hoping the apple fell far from the tree

    I understand, but it was rhetorical in nature. Whew, so those who claim to be true conservatives are not like those on the radio playing true conservatives.
  18. greg334

    Hoping the apple fell far from the tree

    T-hawk, I see true conservative and status quo in the same paragraph and only think that a true conservative will only vote the party line to keep the status quo because that is what a true conservative seems to always do. ALSO just wondering what is a true conservative? A Reagan...
  19. greg334

    A letter from Patty

    Dear Patty, I understand your plight but must point out that you are not entitled to the money you put into the system and I don't care because you can't vote in my district, so please get over it. Yours truly, Alan Simpson.
  20. greg334

    The Iranian Threat Evolves

    The ruling theocracy is not guided by a live and let live philosophy. And those in the ruling theocracy here are also not guided by a live and let live philosophy either.