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  1. greg334

    Ron Paul Newsletter

    Now reading those "selected newsletters" through the proper link, it strikes me odd that Ron Paul would defend David Duke. Did I miss something about the libertarian values Paul speaks of and aligning with someone who is doesn't even approach one of them for all of his life? I'm still...
  2. greg334

    The drought ends!

    Must be that all the teams they played were at the junior high school level.
  3. greg334

    Starting expediting ?'s

    I understand your intent is good on this eve of Christmas but here is the thing, there is no entity (corporate or otherwise) that will protect an owner operator or a driver. Your assets, personal and business are at risk because of the nature of the work and the law. The only thing that is...
  4. greg334

    America Crosses the Rubicon

    The really sad thing is the ignorance of those who support things like this. No one quite honestly understands the impact of one of them (take your pick) on the freedoms and rights we have but many will run to support them to be part of the "protect what-ever at any cost" crowd.
  5. greg334

    Trump Quits

    Obama doesn't have to do much, the republican party is on the way to a melt down anyway.
  6. greg334

    Finally, a gang killing results in justice

    NP that's why we have mods floating around here - they can edit it.
  7. greg334

    Trump Quits

    Trump, the great showman, quits the republican party. Trump opens way to independent White House run I think it is a great move, we hear less of him.
  8. greg334

    New HOS Rules are out

    The 34 hour reset changes and the 30 minute break thing starts in July of 2013, the big change for us - the sleeper berth time in the front seat starts in February of 2012. So a lot can happen in the 18 months that this has been planned to take place - a new president may decide to scrap the...
  9. greg334

    Definitely weighed all thoughts

    Well that's great to suggest, but for most it is a problem. I suggested a compilation of links for that information - something mods should be doing. I kicked off the idea after suggesting it a few times and in this case, used sprinters and how to buy them locked thread would help out a lot...
  10. greg334

    Finally, a gang killing results in justice

    Amonger, please please proof the post and if you can remove the ’ from it.
  11. greg334

    Starting expediting ?'s

    But I do not see anyone up here from FedEx replying to any of the post. Why? Don't know. I would think they are working hard so they didn't have time to post. What can you guys tell me about FedEx? They are a good company for some, bad for others. They do care about their brand (image)...
  12. greg334

    Van age

    I don't have an issue with GM going into their plants with either the truck I own or the truck I do the Canadian work for. I noticed that Pole Town and Orion both have had a number of old trucks going in and out in the last few months.
  13. greg334

    Sprinter vs cutaway van?

    Guido, There are too many who don't get the entire GVW limit thing and think just because they are under 10k, they can put the weight on and still be legal.
  14. greg334

    Isn't this the sweetest thing ever.

    My comment wasn't really about anyone specific, just a general comment. Hearing some rather disparaging comments from religious types when the picture hit the "internet", this one was mild - very very mild and clearly said with no malice towards the two in the picture.
  15. greg334

    New HOS Rules are out

    I'm thinking that the companies will have to do more adjusting than the drivers. The 30 minutes off duty means little when you are in the middle of no where, in a storm or with below freezing weather and there is no place to be 'off duty' at.
  16. greg334

    Lets hear everones

    I apologize for all of that.
  17. greg334

    Lets hear everones

    Well that's all it is, a place to idle your brain.
  18. greg334

    Lets hear everones

    Because he has zero value as a human and has even less in the entertainment world. Knew the a**hole when he worked in Detroit. He would have never made it without stealing ideas and crapping on people. Never had an original thought of his own. American Idle is a rigged show anyways.
  19. greg334

    How To Create An Angry American

    Well I think most will miss this point but it seems that without understanding on how things actually worked with the past three operations (Serbia, Iraq and Afghanistan), it is not just the administrations that are at fault but the congress and ultimately the American people for falling for...
  20. greg334

    Isn't this the sweetest thing ever.

    This is too funny, who cares? It doesn't lessen anything other than those who make a big deal out of nothing. More important things we need to worry about at this time.