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  1. witness23

    Common Core Education... there is no wrong answer!

    Your comment above only proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you did not understand ragman's comment. And please, save your faux welcome back for someone else.
  2. witness23

    Common Core Education... there is no wrong answer!

    Actually you did because you are making the same mistake Dreamer did initially. Using the FoxNews article for your source of reference and using their reporting to form an opinion of the Common Core Standards. Even though a handfull of members have tried to explain it to you, you still keep...
  3. witness23

    Common Core Education... there is no wrong answer!

    Hey Davekc, I don't think you quite understood Ragman's comment. If you did, I don't think you would've given it a "like".
  4. witness23

    The Clown in Chief

    Oh look - A newbie :p
  5. witness23

    Common Core Education... there is no wrong answer!

    Indeed I did and then some. Did you look further into what the person was saying in the video? If you did a little critical thinking of your own and didn't form an opinion from your uneducated facebook friend, you would see that the Common Core helps students of doing what you have just...
  6. witness23

    Common Core Education... there is no wrong answer!

    Your facebook friend has been misled as well. You gave the following opinion: So, did you look into the story a bit more? Or are you just going to go with the story you got from your uneducated facebook friend, who get's his/her information from the folks sitting on the "Curvy Couch"? And...
  7. witness23

    Common Core Education... there is no wrong answer!

    Why don't you do a little digging into this story and come back to the Soapbox and apologize to everyone for being misled by the folks sitting on the "Curvy Couch".
  8. witness23

    Reserve soldier gets pushy, cop slaps him down

    Too funny. Why would you have to "recreate" the situation in your mind, its right there on video for you. That's the problem, you're taking a situation and recreating it in your mind that fits what you think "ails" America. :rolleyes: These kids today, blah, blah, blah........ I...
  9. witness23

    Reserve soldier gets pushy, cop slaps him down

    And this thread is soooo worthy of thoughtful and intelligent comments. I'd say my addition was pretty much on par of what was already put forth. :rolleyes:
  10. witness23

    Reserve soldier gets pushy, cop slaps him down

    This quote is perfect for this thread; I hope the orignal poster of the above quote doesn't mind my use of it here. Some of the comments in this thread are just plain laughable. Armchair quarterbacking at its finest. :rolleyes: I'm surprised we haven't seen this comment, "Kids today...
  11. witness23

    Obama's highest gas prices ever.

    Why, because you say so? Please share with the viewing audience your sources backing up your assertions. Why because you think so? Those most certainly contribute to the cost of fuel, but they are far from the driving factors of fuel costs. ummmmm...... I wasn't putting up the...
  12. witness23

    So far, I like this guy!

    I'm glad you did and I hope it didn't come across as disparaging. I totally respect Cheri and her commentary here in the Soapbox. I only mentioned Cheri and Gov. Christie's weight because I thought it was obvious that one, Cheri likes him and two, his weight and health are obvious issues(they...
  13. witness23

    Obama's highest gas prices ever.

    I highly recommend going back and reading Mr. Humbles posts #7 and #10 and do a little homework outside of NewsBusters and educate yourselves on the reasons why fuel prices are where they are. I suggest starting your google search with these two words: oil speculation .
  14. witness23

    So far, I like this guy!

    Considering the ClownFest that was the last Primary, I'd say Christie might have a better than average chance at this point. I know a little about the guy but like you said, I haven't delved into his opinions or thoughts on the list above. You've listed your concerns but can you let us know...
  15. witness23

    Obama's highest gas prices ever.

    Let me guess........NewsBusters?
  16. witness23

    Obama's highest gas prices ever.

    Humble say's this: And you supply a link to Newsbusters. Friggen' hilarious.
  17. witness23

    So far, I like this guy!

    Let me preface this with saying, "I neither like nor dislike Chris Christie". With that being said. I am curious, is the above quote your opinion? If so, are you able to tell me why you think he's not conservative enough?
  18. witness23

    The GOP Lunacy Parade Continues ...

    ECHO ... Echo ... echo ...
  19. witness23

    Tragic Death for American Military Hero

    What's your point?