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  1. witness23

    Tragic Death for American Military Hero

    Do you ever not look for ways to derail threads with nonsensical ramblings?
  2. witness23

    The GOP Lunacy Parade Continues ...

    Seriously, that's your reply? Sucky? Holy H*ll, you even got a "like". Too friggen' funny.
  3. witness23

    The GOP Lunacy Parade Continues ...

    My really do have nothing.
  4. witness23

    Tragic Death for American Military Hero

    OMG.......!! We get it, you know a lot about guns. To ramble on, off topic like you just did should have a lot people worried about your mental health.
  5. witness23

    Some People Can Only Take So Much "Crap" 'Til They...............

    Let it go man, let it go. Link please. BTW, you didn't know there was more to the story before saying Mr. Kim should hold hero status. Not that it matters either way. Link please. Again, not that it matters but its as if you are trying to back up your irrational giddyness...
  6. witness23

    Tragic Death for American Military Hero

    Was this reply meant for another thread possibly? :confused:
  7. witness23

    Some People Can Only Take So Much "Crap" 'Til They...............

    What? Suggesting to ignore your obvious "troll" posts? You my friend are full of what was being placed on that doorstep. Someone who get's a hard-on over a double homicide over dog feces and gives the murderer hero status is just looking for attention. It's as if you are trying to fill...
  8. witness23

    What would you tell these ppl?

    Why don't you do what any rational person would do and contact your service provider and see if they can't fix the problem?
  9. witness23

    America's Social Pillars Falling Like Dominoes.

    Wow dude. Did you really just type that? That is hilarious.
  10. witness23

    The GOP Lunacy Parade Continues ...

    I knew you'd come to my rescue Rags, thanks.
  11. witness23

    Reagan home razed for Obama parking lot

    I'll give you the same advice I gave someone earlier. seriously, quit while you're ahead, you're not doing yourself any favors bro.