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  1. jaminjim

    Now the truth is out.
  2. jaminjim

    A reminder to all who post on the forum

    Leo in your example of the word fork,I will agree that it is probably not a good way to say it. but if I were to say that that he was a #$%&$$#@ then I don't think it should offend anyone. It is even used in the Sunday comics.
  3. jaminjim

    A reminder to all who post on the forum

    Dang Leo sometimes you just need to call a you know what, a you know what. Support the whole ...... not just the parts you like. Never mind I will just go to my gosh darn room.
  4. jaminjim

    72 hr shutdown???

    "I would be surprised if it happens and if it does it will be a negative for us. It will get millions of citizens stirred up who already have a negative opinion of truckers and that opinion will lessen as a result of whatever inconveniences this causes. Solutions will come either from our...
  5. jaminjim

    from e-mail

    A blind man makes his way to a bar stool and orders a drink. After sitting there for awhile, he yells to the bartender, "Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke?" The bar immediately falls absolutely quiet. In a very deep, husky voice, the woman next to him says, before you tell that joke, sir, I...
  6. jaminjim

    Removing Benchseat Runners in Passenger Van

    Yes I'am from the Dayton area and I know what you mean.
  7. jaminjim

    Removing Benchseat Runners in Passenger Van

    What are you going to do with the seats once they are removed? We have an 2003 express sitting at the house growing dust.
  8. jaminjim

    The (not quite) ultimate expediter
  9. jaminjim

    any body see this

    Oddly enough I ran into this couple just before I saw this news clip. This is the truck that we plan on building when we get ready for new truck. If I remember he said it was a 2001 with about 500k on it. He had just put it on the road in June of this year. He said they streched it six feet...
  10. jaminjim

    any body see this
  11. jaminjim

    New 2006 International 4300 with 466 engine Benz 8

    RE: New 2006 International 4300 with 466 engine Be Depends who your co driver is.
  12. jaminjim

    Panther2 loads last week

    They wanted us to empty move from Tulsa to Ft. Worth Sunday. Tulsa has not been great for us
  13. jaminjim

    Paying your Co-driver

  14. jaminjim

    Got nothing to do?

    best I could get was a 34, but site is now shut down.
  15. jaminjim

    AASleeper A/C unit slow moving air flow

    But the real interesting thing is that they sent a tech to you to fix the problem.
  16. jaminjim

    Building the ultimate expediter

    Okay for us less informed wath were some of the problems with the build of the " Other " members truck so that we may all know what to watch out for?
  17. jaminjim

    finding balance point when stretching a class 8

    RE: finding balance point when stretching a class But are you limited to 34k on twin screws?
  18. jaminjim

    ~ A Public Apology ~

  19. jaminjim

    Thanks for the memories

    While laying in the bed this morning with a gift from my better half, not that, the flu bug silly. I was going to start my morning routine, no not that, reading the paper on the internet, checking e-m and then going to EOL and reading the current threads. But then I thought, why the place is...
  20. jaminjim

    from e-mail

    FUNERAL PROCESSION Don't skip the prayer at the end! A woman was leaving a convenience store with her morning coffee when she noticed a most unusual funeral procession approaching the nearby cemetery. A long black hearse was followed by a second long black hearse about 50 feet behind the...