We have been with Panther for 65? days now. July was up and down for us but from what I hear thats not unusual for July. We still did OK. We are a D truck team.
We were home last week but our owner said it was a good week for them. This week has been our best so far. However, we delivered in Tulsa today and were 3rd team out so figure we have plenty of time to do laundry, shower, clean the truck and groom the dog.
From what we saw this week around the MI, IL, WI area a solo driver would have done pretty good there. We ran a couple short ones for them like IL to MI but they just kept up with the 300 mi load offers. If I was a solo driver I would probably just stay in that area until I needed to go home, lol.
Our owners have been running a lot of longer stuff, to and from Canada. We dont have CDRP or FAST yet so dont do Canada but still got 3 good length loads this week plus the short ones.
In the past 2 months we have been "stuck" twice. Once was in Canton, MS for 4 days, the other time in El Paso from Fri. PM to Tues. AM Other times we have delivered on Sat. and waited til Mon. to load again or sat on a load over the weekend waiting to deliver.
For whatever reason, our owner doesn't use any brokers or load boards. I asked them about it once and they said it didnt pay enough to be worth using. Apparently they tried it before, didnt work for them and they will take their chances on sitting UNLESS we are in someplace like northern WI for instance. Then they will allow us to EM to someplace like Milwaukee when offered.
BTW, we got an EM offer today from Tulsa to Hannibal, MO, 400+ miles. Thanks but no thanks, will just sit here and do laundry, already had a good week.