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  1. jaminjim

    Panther ii Has 500 Trucks Refusing To Work?

    Good thing Columbus did not listen to the nay sayers, We all know that the world turned out to be mostly round.
  2. jaminjim

    Panther ii Has 500 Trucks Refusing To Work?

    Are you the one that has the little red. Oh never mind. We run as a team for PII, and we think they do us just fine. Have they always paid the amount that I think I should get, no. But they are correct 95% of the time and the times they don't agree it does not amount to enough to argue over. (...
  3. jaminjim

    Panther ii Has 500 Trucks Refusing To Work?

    You have to wonder if some of these guys drive or clean the showers at the local truck stop. Maybe they just over hear some drivers talking in the laundry room while they wash some towels. But I still think I heard him on the CB.
  4. jaminjim


    Well got home and took drivers side cover off. Filled a small box with grease, then a spring fell out of who knows where. check the internet for a manual,no luck. So I did what any red blooded trucker would do, called Stoops who had serviced the truck any cried like a little girl... result, Took...
  5. jaminjim


    Just got back on, thanks for reopening the thread.
  6. jaminjim


    A little quick with the lock Leo. I don't think anyone was sugesting that everyone should use more than one log book or how to run two sets of books.
  7. jaminjim

    Revenue Potential of Tractor vs. Straight Truck

    RE: Revenue Potential of Tractor vs. Straight Truc Leo won't you have fairly large extra tax hit when you pick it up? I know that you will make up some of it when it is time for resale. But the tax man taketh away.
  8. jaminjim

    1st Week Of New Hours

    It is way to risky to have more than two log books.;)
  9. jaminjim

    Revenue Potential of Tractor vs. Straight Truck

    RE: Revenue Potential of Tractor vs. Straight Truc There are very, very few people on this board that would no that answer. The only way to get that answer would be if we were all to share our numbers. And then average them out, and then figure your expenses. I will start For a team we...
  10. jaminjim

    Panther ii Has 500 Trucks Refusing To Work?

    Big D is the same guy I heard on the cb last night. He was telling how he had to call out the U.S. Marshall because....... If Big D had not responded in this thread it would have only been ten or so replies.
  11. jaminjim

    1st Week Of New Hours

    Let me see here. Ran real hard for about ten days in a row. Delivered around 16:00, went and got a hotel room. Slept great, leave room wait until 21:00 to pick up next load, only about 1100 miles and delivers at 21:00 hrs later. Gee who wants the first driving shift? New hours in a word, suck.
  12. jaminjim


    245K on ours, nothing yet, Knock on wood.
  13. jaminjim

    uShip, a real value to expediting?

    Can you say NLM for John Q. Public?
  14. jaminjim

    another Panther policy???

    I never heard of a carrier paying for miles driven.
  15. jaminjim

    another Panther policy???

    After rereading the first post, If I understood correctly, the problem here was that he was paid less miles than what the load offer said. We have been on runs that we had to run more miles because of HHG miles, but only a few times did they try to pay less than the load offer. That was because...
  16. jaminjim


    $102k Dang
  17. jaminjim

    Panther ii Has 500 Trucks Refusing To Work?

    Best one we have seen was $0.39 pm. it paid for all fuel, plus enough to get back to the busy areas.
  18. jaminjim

    HELP !!!!! have delorme pc gps

    Maybe you could give an example of how you put in the address, and we can see if there is something there, that some of us users can see.
  19. jaminjim

    fedex fleet

    That's one of the many reasons why I would want to know how big our carrier is.
  20. jaminjim


    those things are going to kill me yet. got a chest cold and can barely get em up.