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  1. P

    Soldiers Return

    It's actually the crazy right wing loonies who are picketing your soldiers' funerals, is it not? Isn't it the 'crazy left' that tolerates differences such as homosexuality and abortion? Any way, the OP was talking about our 'Highway of Heroes', an amazing way our fallen soldiers are honoured...
  2. P

    Could someone please . . . . .

    Hey I LIKE your porta potty.. would that be the 5.5 gallon? Or did you go for the larger one?
  3. P

    Could someone please . . . . .

    I didn't know.. but if you're an expert (and since you go back and forth every day, you probably are, if you like those things alla time), I'll take your word for it.. do you know why they're different? See, Pepsi's still way better. Bet it isn't different on each side :p
  4. P

    Could someone please . . . . .

    Pepsi is just soooooo much better than coke.. mmmmmmmm
  5. P

    Cities getting creative with Citizen Fees

    What, pray tell, do they eat? :eek:
  6. P

    Fiat / Chrysler

    Sure would hate to have that union working on *my* behalf :(
  7. P

    Fiat / Chrysler

    Article from today's Globe & Mail: Fiat to Chrysler: Cut costs or we walk
  8. P

    Beware of lots of Craigslist scammers!!!!!

    Should've stuck to your fine friends on EO.. did you try their classifieds? :) Guess that's why many sellers on eBay won't deal with anyone outside of the US. I have a problem buying stuff sometimes just being in Canada. I've bought quite a few things on eBay and only had a problem once (from a...
  9. P

    why are owners so crooked

    Most definitely!!
  10. P

    It's Finally Here....and It's FREE!

    Wow Piper1, looks like there's now a little Piper2, with at least 2 of the same traits as his fine daddy! :D
  11. P

    It's Finally Here....and It's FREE!

    Boy, talk about duplication! Good thing we're not government employees or union workers! :p
  12. P

    Does anyone have Slingshot prepaid wireless Internet?

    Yesteryear, with that Pilot Slingshot thing, would that mean it would only work when you're within range of a Pilot?? If NOT, and it would work anywhere, AND you don't have to have a contract, try checking out eBay or other online places for a used modem. I don't blame you for not wanting a...
  13. P

    It's Finally Here....and It's FREE!

    You're forgetting your Canadian contingent :( We don't have a zip code, and it's demanding one.
  14. P

    Proof of Citizen Ship

    I can't believe this is still an issue :D You guys are REALLY graspin for straws, aren't ya??
  15. P

    Keep Your Eye Out for this Missing Girl, You Never Know

    Hope nobody minds me posting this, you never know where she might have been taken. Missing Woodstock 8 y/o girl, since Wed, Apr.8th.. Keep your eyes peeled.. | Ontario | Missing Woodstock girl identified in video Vigil tonight for missing Ontario girl
  16. P

    Learning to be proud again

    Letzrock, that really wasn't very nice to post the guy's picture publicly, he may not have wanted others to know who he really is or what he looked like. :/
  17. P

    why are owners so crooked

    Sorry Charlee, I wasn't siding with any one side. I absolutely understand the owner's point of view also. From the sounds of it though, it's coming across as if this is a huge, widespread problem with owners not paying the final settlement. Of course not all owners, but I'm getting that this is...
  18. P

    why are owners so crooked

    Just wondering if this might work.. What if drivers said to owner 2 weeks ahead.. 'I'm scheduling 2 weeks vacation for Week X and Week Y'.. Then at the beginning of Week X, they get paid for previous 2 weeks.. at end of Week Y they get paid up to beginning of vacation.. zero now owing.. now...
  19. P

    To those of you stuck in a truckstop for Easter

    Hey, we must be related! Ha! When I was a kid I always enjoyed the gut wrenching giggles when great big Aunt Elizabeth and short little bald Uncle Gus came to visit, Uncle Gus couldn't hold his drinks at ALL, and somehow Gus would get the dogs to start singing.. (howling).. it was sure a howl...
  20. P


    Jeez maybe it's just going wayyy downhill and they're just letting just ANYBODY in now :eek: