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  1. P

    9-10 Year Lurker Finally Joins The EOL Family

    I believe this is before building your sleeper and adding your personal gear? /
  2. P

    buisness model

    I agree with all that.. to a point.. but just as going into biz for oneself, and extending employment opportunities to others should be well thought out and researched, so should accepting any given type of employment, with any given type of employer. Gone are the days of guarantees and 'forever...
  3. P

    buisness model

    I couldn't help responding to this post. I have found that biz plans are great tools, and sounds like you've done some homework. Sometimes the trick is in the details, knowing what you don't know, and don't even know to ask about. In my experience one can have an excellent biz plan, but it can...
  4. P

    Canada dynamex in canada

    kenderliev are you Canadian or American? I can only speak for the Canada side..... Expediting is MUCH different here than you read about on this forum from other drivers, almost all of whom are US drivers driving for US carriers. So..... depending on which you are will make a huge...
  5. P

    Owners Watch Out

    An unrelated story.. but speaking of background checking.. My neighbour worked at a bank for many years. We got talking on Friday about a person currently in the news who bilked their employer out of over 7 million dollars over a number of years, and is now trying to get out of a jail sentence...
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    Canada Canadian Authority

    Are you a 'carrier'? And where will you be travelling to while in Canada, ie which province(s)?
  7. P

    Palin bites it,Sanford cries it,Rush highlights it

    You can take the trash outta the trailer but you can't take the trailer outta the trash. Courtesy of 'pjjjjj's profound thought of the day' series So true tho, ain't it??? ;)
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    Trashy people

    I don't know about dogs not sniffing human pee.. I can't imagine that they wouldn't.. but I can tell you that dog pee is NOT smellless :eek:
  9. P

    If this is true, Whats the problem now

    I wonder... If they deported the illegals, and it freed up all these 'jobs'.. How many Americans would in fact be willing to take their place doing their work? Tomato picking.. worm picking.. hmm I wonder...
  10. P

    Michael Jackson and Farrah died today

    I completely agree, and wanted to add a few of my own ponderings, even tho long-winded, sorry.. i) During what I have seen/heard in my lifetime, I believe that if authorities seek damaging evidence thoroughly enough, they're going to find something, anything, that can be used to support their...
  11. P

    Michael Jackson and Farrah died today

    When it was first reported on the news, they said MJ was dead.. and then a few minutes later, they said, oh, he's not 'confirmed' dead yet, and he may just be in a coma.. the media is a riot! I then couldn't help hoping that perhaps MJ had staged the drama to promote his upcoming tour.. but...
  12. P

    Canadian Bass Open in Montreal this Weekend

    Anyone laid over in Montreal this weekend? Splash
  13. P

    Pull around back Driver!

    I think it's not what you can read about what a CV can and can't do, it's about reading all the rules applying to a CMV, which a van is not, (if it's under 10K GVWR, and it's not carrying hazmat of a quantity requiring placarding). Suddenly all the CMV rules become applicable when carrying...
  14. P

    Nations Express

    See the banner ads above here which change to a new advertiser with every page refresh?.. the one under the 'Try Hours' ad, and to the left of the Bolt square ad? When the Nations ad comes up.. it says 'expediated' at the bottom, vs 'expedited'..
  15. P

    Trucking Guide

    The net is a good place to start.. maybe a large trucking company with various sizes of trucks might have a website that lists the types of trucks and services they have.
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    Enjoying a little hometime

    Someone got a little scissor-happy eh?
  17. P

    New Member questions

    Actually, that sounds like a pretty fair way to split things up, imho. I was just concerned that you may have been in for 50% of 'everything', including a truck payment and repairs and maintenance. Now that you have clarified that, it sounds really fair to me.. almost fairer than the more common...
  18. P

    New Member questions

    Sorry, I should have said, 'you could end up owing HIM/HER'. In any event, just be sure you know exactly what parts you're sharing 50% of, and do some math scenarios on your own, with open eyes and no wishful thinking. In the above part, when you say 'so after fuel and everything', what is the...
  19. P

    Late-term abortionist killed

    I have to say that I find it ironic that you are going on about morals and having a duty to protect innocent life and you are wanting to pass laws to prevent this from happening.. and yet you are gung ho about the people's right to bear arms, people who you know are going to be killing innocent...
  20. P

    New Member questions

    Layout is right.... 50/50 can mean many things to many people. Watch what you're getting into there. Get the details. Afterall, conceivably, if you're in for 50% of the expenses and 50% of the revenue, you could end up paying HIM!