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  1. witness23

    The Brian Williams saga.

    I agree turtle, Williams and O'reilly both have shown symptoms of senility.
  2. witness23

    Deadline for signing up for health insurance is February 15th.

    I am truly sorry to hear that.
  3. witness23

    Wisconsin skips debt payment

    The problem is, the Republicans including Scott Walker preach about fiscal responsibility, not cooking the books and balanced budgets without smoke and mirrors, then do the very same thing as their counterparts. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, hell, it's a legal maneuver, just don't cry and...
  4. witness23

    Deadline for signing up for health insurance is February 15th.

    So.....did everyone who needed to sign up beat the deadline?
  5. witness23

    Sarah Palin - Pinhead or Patriot?

    So, Palin. Pinhead or Patriot? In my best O'reilly voice, "What say you?"
  6. witness23

    Jews in Great Britain, not safe

    Go to the 2:50 mark of your video below. I'm glad he agrees with the President's plan. Now if the political blowhards and those with hard on's for Obama would shut up and ISIS keeps killing other Muslims, then maybe, just maybe, these fakkin' morans will take care of the extremists in their...
  7. witness23

    Jews in Great Britain, not safe

    That's okay, live in your little sound bite world and believe that the administration thinks that if we go over to the middle east and create jobs that will solve the terrorist problem, that's it, that's all we have to do and we can win this fight against extremism. Way to go man!
  8. witness23

    Jews in Great Britain, not safe

    That's seriously what you took out of those comments from Mrs. Harf? Oh wait....... it probably is because you linked to a local CBS news outlet that gave the story a whopping 3 minutes and most of that airtime went to Rep. King than the actual person that made the comments. Do yourself some...
  9. witness23

    Jews in Great Britain, not safe

    That's a crafty way to dodge the profanity filters in the website software; at least try to keep the discourse on a moderate level of decency.
  10. witness23

    Jews in Great Britain, not safe

    Hah....That's funny
  11. witness23

    Jews in Great Britain, not safe

    Maybe I can put it terms some of you may understand. Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, etc, etc.... = Welfare recipients U.S. Military = Providing them welfare Stand up on your own two feet and get off of welfare you bums!
  12. witness23

    Jews in Great Britain, not safe

    Has anyone noticed the same idiots yelling about ISIS are the same idiots that were yelling about us to go into Iraq after 911? That right there should tell you something. Fakkin' morans.
  13. witness23

    Jews in Great Britain, not safe

    Dude, seriously. Turn off the hate radio and the opinion blowhards on FoxNews. If you seriously think the U.S. is on the sidelines you are delusional. Plus, those countries listed are very capable of defending themselves against ISIS along with U.S./UN military aid and intelligence. Good...
  14. witness23

    ISIS plans more human burnings.

    God this place is full of chicken hawks. We are leading in every possible way besides ground troops. Exactly! If the chicken hawks on T.V., the chicken hawks in our government, the chicken hawks on radio and the chicken hawks hiding behind their keyboards would shut their yaps for two...
  15. witness23

    Deadline for signing up for health insurance is February 15th.

    What's that have to do with my post reminding people of the healthcare deadline?
  16. witness23

    National Prayer Breakfast 2015.

    Where can i join this movement that you have as a tag line?
  17. witness23

    National Prayer Breakfast 2015.

    Turtle, do you believe the President is a Christian?
  18. witness23

    National Prayer Breakfast 2015.

    Just surprised on your take on his speech is all. Especially these two comments: