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  1. witness23

    Israeli vs US leadership

    You know what's even funnier? Your "article" is about a petition from's "We the People" petition site, that anyone and I mean anyone can post to get signatures on. Also, you forgot to add the first paragraph of the article where the author tries to make a big deal about it...
  2. witness23

    Rightwing on the defensive in final week of Israeli election campaign

    Boohoo, everyone is against me, its a conspiracy, boo hoo. And this guy is a God to the right wing rubes here in the US, not to mention a large number of Republican government officials. March 10, 2015 4:57 pm John Reed in Jerusalem Link...
  3. witness23

    Israeli vs US leadership

    Rlent's post above about the 47 idiots aligning themselves with the hardliners in Iran, the propaganda photos I posted above and the observation below, it all goes to show the Republicans are willing to use the same politics and propaganda as those that they oppose. These tactics the...
  4. witness23

    Israeli vs US leadership

    simple mind = "bad *** leader who is going to join the front lines to battle ISIS" reality = "i didn't do anything to help against ISIS until one of my own was burned alive, so I decided to take this fake picture to make myself look tough when I'm really not doing much more with my military than...
  5. witness23

    Israeli vs US leadership

    Simple things amuse simple minds. Simply showing a right wing wackadoodle a picture of someone or something that they want to see and they immediately equate that with reality. simple mind = "We won" reality = "We f'ed that up" simple mind = "I'm tough and have a big package"...
  6. witness23

    It's transparent...

    uhhhhh......they probably did know but didn't care. It's wrong what Clinton did and a proper investigation, one led by a neutral party, should be done.
  7. witness23

    It's transparent...

    Then those heading the investigations are incompetent.
  8. witness23

    It's transparent...

    What I find fascinating in all this is that the Republicans with all their Bengazi bull chit and any other scandal they tried to gin up on Ms. Hilary and the President, is that with all the investigations on this woman is that they(the Republicans) didn't figure out she was using an unauthorized...
  9. witness23

    It's transparent...

    I'm not a big fan of Ms. Hilary but man this thing is a long ways away bro. Anything can happen and will happen. Do yourself a favor and turn off the entertainment cable "so-called news" channels, the conspiracy websites, and the hate radio and enjoy your life. Besides, "we the people" have...
  10. witness23

    Liberal News' Biases and Double Standards.

    I had no idea the United States was a Communist country in the 50's and 60's.
  11. witness23

    You Sir are and idiot

    Ari, you have this as your tagline. Where can I find out more about this "Movement" that you speak of?
  12. witness23

    You Sir are and idiot

    My guess? Both
  13. witness23

    Israeli Prime Minister to address US Congress.

    Couldn't have asked for a bigger softball
  14. witness23

    Israeli Prime Minister to address US Congress.

    I hope Bibi brings his powerpoint on Iran's nuke program.
  15. witness23

    You Sir are and idiot

    What's wrong with you man? Seriously, wtf?
  16. witness23

    You Sir are and idiot

    You mad bro?
  17. witness23

    You Sir are and idiot

    So Gov. Walker at the CPAC convention is asked how he'd deal with ISIS and he says, "We need a leader with that kind of confidence. If I can take on 100,000 protesters, I can do the same across the world" Read more: Scott Walker: If I can handle protesters, I can defeat ISIS - Business Insider
  18. witness23

    The Brian Williams saga.

    I did, and the posts that followed it. Where there were comments such as these: Saying he can't believe NBC would hold onto Mr. Williams. And this one where he obviously thinks NBC won't do a fair investigation of the allegations. And this giddy little moment. Not even sure why...
  19. witness23

    The Brian Williams saga.

    Keep digging that hole.
  20. witness23

    The Brian Williams saga.

    Here in the soapbox, did anyone defend William's? Did anyone try to explain away his comments? Did anyone say he shouldn't be fired from NBC or suspended? Did anyone excuse Brian Williams at all? No, nobody did and nobody should have, he lied, embellished the story, he came clean and...