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  1. B

    Incorporated or not?

    Just you, you want problems Incorprate. Its a GIANT HASSLE when one can just as easily be DBA. Tax advantages do not out weight advantages. If you have more than one truck or do more than 80K in profit than its worth looking into othewise NO. Kevin Rutherford spoke on this last week one...
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    Baby Jessica, 20 years later

    Baby Jessica? Is this the little girl on the plane flight who lived? The biggest crash in Detroits history? This is a true story, a good friend I played little league football with and was in the same class with. His brother was a Wayne County Deputity, was one of the first officers on the...
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    Bank of America

    RE: BOA 3Q Profit Falls 32 Pct Oct-18-07 THANK YOU MR. PRESIDENT: I would love to post all of those facts on the Back of my Doors of my Trailer.
  4. B

    Whats effecting Fuel Costs?

    My theory is based somewhat on Economics. Here me out. The U.S. dollar is sinking, homes are being foreclosed on with Foreign $ backing them (Greed on there part). Making the dollar even weaker. U.S. Manufacturing shippping overseas has in my opinion no chance to pull us out of a Recession...
  5. B

    Would you buy a ticket?

    Where do I send my $ to?
  6. B

    An Economic and Trucking Slowdown is Happening Now

    RE: An Economic and Trucking Slowdown is Happening Wow does this make me look smart? I sold my Expiditer Truck last May. I saw this downturn comming than... SERIOUSLY I DID. Smart I do not know but more secure is where I wanted to be. Right Wrong time well tell, smart only maybee...
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    Just wanted to share this email I got

    I LOVE IT. I always thought the U.S. was the best, Not no more. Geez a Govt. that acutally cares about the best for its Citizens, certinaly not here or anywhere in North America.
  8. B

    Sex on the road.

    I would like to think that a decent Attorney fighting that ticket with where an EZ Pass BLOB is stuck at would be in ones Favor. My Garmin is not obstructing my view but is suctioned onto the windshield. As for junk on the Dash, they all get there turn sooner or later passing thru a Scale...
  9. B

    Express 1 Popup ad

    You might want to start listening to Nemo between 7AM and Noon. Nothing good to say about ANY LEASE PURCHASE. Many, many drivers with great stories on Financial DESTRUCTION who got into Lease Purchases. They do not seem to ever favor the driver. Further more if you do consider one, YOU WILL...
  10. B

    Good carrier relationship??

    I never left Carrier A for B, except when I left FX. My carrier of choice was C&M. No matter who I wanted to talk to I was able to at ANY HOUR if I had to. If you do not have a first name relationship with who puts loads on your truck, I would not care to Carry for that Company. Just ties...
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    Happy Days

    Blair and Dave C. now that could be a showdown. I think the world of both. But boy could that be intresting.
  12. B

    Am I this good or just lucky?

    Since my exiting Expediting, the 18 wheels I have been enjoying. Completely different and it seems to fit me well. Onto business. The dedicated run is steady but not what it was suppost to be with the Economey and all. Three times every other week is only two times, so some of the wind was...
  13. B

    new GPS model on the market

    Do not buy this unit!!!! Unless you get it at Cotsco. I RETURNED my Megellan 4 times in two years, Terry also had the same problems. The Garmin has been trouble free, Megallan has had problems and one needs a Retail Store that ASKS no Questions and gives you a replacement with no HASSLE. I...
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    Road Rage

    We probably have all expierenced it once or more. Try this just as the offender slams on his brakes in front of you, run over him. Or as they come up beside you, ram them into the wall. A very expierenced friend of mine gave me some great advice: If you touch metal, or someone reports you...
  15. B

    Should a teacher be allowed to carry a gun?

    I ask this in return: Example your in a Movie, or Church on Sunday AM, in walks a guy with three shot guns, four pistols, 20lbs of amunition. Yells I am gona kill all of ya's!!!!!! I would love nothing more than to be carrying a conceled weapon, or better yet someone else who could use it and...
  16. B

    Is it realistic to ...

    I also forgot to Mention SCHNEIDER, ask any driver with them Solo if he is making $50K even after ten years it takes that to get to the top with them. Advertising is just that Advertising or it could also =LIES. Have a Schneider driver who picks up at the same day of the week with me at the...
  17. B

    which engines?

    Size does matter: From all the Engines I see at my Mechanics, Cummins give the least amount of $ in repairs. HANDS DOWN Down side on a Cummins, your gona replace Injectors. In a million miles its gona be chaper than any other engine to operate and probably a million and half. Cats, burn to...
  18. B

    tire wear, specifically front

    Never though of bad shocks, as I never let them get worn out to the point of doing damage to the tires. Thanx
  19. B

    WHY DO EXPEDITORS LIE !!!!!!!!!!

    Phil, Did well? As Greg said re-read: IT IS A JOKE, do you no longer or have or ever had a SENSE OF HUMOR? It is a joke Phil, you can laugh at yourself now if you can remember how to. I did well enough to pay for my truck and trailer, I have no bills that are behind. All my vehicles and...
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    How much does it cost to get CB connected?

    FREE its easy even I can do it.