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  1. B

    Baseball Playoffs

    Phillies from the NL, why? Was it way back in 66 they blew something like a 14 game lead going into Sept? They remind me of the Lions but in Baseball, Cubs at least have fan support good or bad years. American League, all the teams are just to good to have one stand out, but maybee...
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    Want a new straight truck

    Boy this could get to be intresting. When I purchased my Expd truck it was new, studied on here asked and asked and asked. To some it was Over Equiped, for me I made use of every tool I put in it. It will be as much of a personal decision as a business one, if it saves you time, or $ than you...
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    new van driver here.

    Johnny reading these answers by you I am left wondering how long you can stay afloat. That warranty is great for now, when that Van hits 200K and was only profitable for 100K according to what I read, than what? A used Van in three years with 200K does not exactly hold much of any resale to...
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    Shamed by Newbies

    Phil You stated (I do not believe in Luck?) Come on Phil, that statement is just not the best Post I have seen you make. This is BOTH a dose of skill and luck. Examples all over the place, guy takes a load from L.A. up to Yellowstone, before he unloads is asked willing to DH to Casper and...
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    Shamed by Newbies

    Big difference in taking pride or bragging right?
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    Espear of Michigan::: Sponsers here at EO

    Espar of Michigan: Do not ever let anyone ever install a Bunk Heater or APU unit without Contacting these guys! Not only did they do an excellent job and everything they said they would do at the cost they would do at, but ON TIME at that. And everything works. I had a problem keeping my...
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    Rules and Regulations

    Have you studied at all about this industry? Done a Business Plan, set goals? Think about what your doing and the problems and solutions your putting yourself into. Study, learn, and execute a plan. Your just heading for trouble if you do not study learn and execute your plan.
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    Removing signs

    Mineral Spirits is the only thing that will remove the Glue or the Easiest. Sign removal Hot Gun, patience and a scrapper. The kind they put the signs on with, Razor is gona cut into the paint, if you do use one be carefull. Plus one whole day on a big sign good luck.
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    Gainful scnenario for Atlanta expediting

    Difference between Straight Truck or Van = More $. Read some more here. I have never driven a Van for a living and I do not see many doing it either, and by the posts I see why. Some do, mamy more do not. Read here and you answer your own question. Good luck. Hope you drive a Truck.
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    Newbie w/ question about life on the road?

    I belong to the Y for this exact reason. Expeditng did give me a chance to see many Gyms, and meet some great people, they love to hear where we are from and that we work out. A straight truck is a big PLUS. On the other hand if you have a GPS this is how I find the Gyms forget that directory...
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    Drivers Education

    How about Drivers Ed for People over 80? Yesterday fueled at the Wilco I-77 Wytheville, VA. Upon crossing over the ramp to to to S.B. I 77 I had to stop early as a car was confused had not yet cleared the ramp but was sitting there. Being with a 53 foot box behind me I would wipe this...
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    I WANA BE A DEALER! And Ladyshooter will you be my SALESLADY? please........
  13. B

    Good times!

    Terry Espar EXCELLENT service! Great People, Clean Office. The only negative is they still charged me for the Unit. (they were very happy, I mean very happy to see that my truck was clean.) Imiagne from a guy with the name Broompilot?
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    Need Ifo on The Direct Depopsit

    Make sure you get checks sent to you to utilize. Flying J. has an excellent Account paying almost 5% intrest big bonus for me. Negative on the account take cash advances in LARGE amounts a fee for every withdrawl at THERE ATMs. I would prefere as Terry mentioned using my local bank the...
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    Business Minded or just a Job?

    As Bill Clinton once said (Please define IS?) Was that the word he skirted around? Try? Defination to not have a goal at the end of ones Journey, just to well maybee? Now before one jumps my bumps, trying to define a Goal. Does your business plan include a goal? Is there even a business...
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    Can we spell UNDEFEATED

    Hey Larry how about a Seahawk for those kids instead of a Pug? No Pug is just to darn cute. Plus remember the Movie The Birds? Nasty creature just nasty.
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    Business Minded or just a Job?

    PS MM why dont you also go look up Driver Pay under Newbee section. Opinion or this just some truth? $6.18 an hour now thats what I want for retirement anyone else willing to work for that wage and pay your own expenses? Smart real Smart, so thats my answer to your comments. YES I CARE...
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    XM 171

    The tax expert was speaking Wednesday AM on Dave Nemo. I just will spell out what I remember not exact quote. Average 18 wheeler solo in the U.S. Grossed $151K Average fuel bill $55K Per Diem benefited him 10K Average repair bill in a year 5K very low all the way to 24K extreme probably...
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    Best Concert you have ever been two OK top three

    Kraig Allen
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    Business Minded or just a Job?

    Opps I screewed up (what else is new?) Thought of any good posts lately or just repeats of what everyone comments on. As for what I care? Thats why I post gota a problem with it than dont bother reading it MM. It gets items going on here do not see any intresting start up posts by either one...