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  1. B

    Canada Come on in...

    WAFFLE HOUSE correction AWFULL HOUSE can't even get a cup of coffee with out the runs. Something about wiping that knife on the same rag that they wiped the wood counter where the chicken was. Ya Think Other than that great institution.
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    I did not purchase the Pro-Heat but a Rig Master. I am aware of some complaints in the past, these were addressed and improvments have been made. After going to Pro-Heat web page they are both very similar. Rig Master throws out more Watts and BTU for the AC, I could not see if Pro-Heat needs...
  3. B

    Second Question to Air Ride

    One of the post refered to Ice, I purchased a set up cables only 2, would it be a good idea backing into a swamp in the winter to put these on first. This was the only reason I purchased them unless on a back dirt road (have no plans of delivering out West). Salt, sand kitty litter nothing...
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    Typical Life of Batteries

    If you clean your posts, and follow the lines to the starter, and frame how often would you do this, and what is the life span of the deep cell batteries this is what I am having installed. There should be a generator also.
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    Toll Roads Bill in front of Congress

    OOIDA sent out an E-mail, please even if you are not a member contact your government rep. Google can take you to the correct web site to view your opinions. The bill is about to go to the floor to give all states the power to put Toll Roads up.
  6. B


    You are both right about installing the aux axle, did not plan on this expense at all. Had I not looked around I would have found this out the day I showed up to pick up the truck. Have contacted JA Jones, talked with a Larry Schrock price seems reasonable, and I do believe he said it was air...
  7. B


    Anyone having this problem WEIGHT seems as though the new truck I have ordered might be over 33gvw with 13K of freight. Has not been a problem in the past on this model, but very close without the generators. Here we are trying to comply with these idle laws, then another branch of govt...
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    laptop stand

    Both Boser and Jotta Desk are out of stock, but if you find otherwise please E mail. Ordered one last Friday was notified Monday they are out. The more expensive Jotta Desk, lets the fan do its cooling better was the one I ordered and is discontinued. So tried the other model cables on the...
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    Canada Canadian runs are the way to go!

    I agree! How do you get your carrier to realize that your 14 hours is being spent sitting.
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    Bridge Heights

    Rand McNally large Scale has a listing by state of all of the bridge heights. It is difficult to follow look up the state, RT# distance from cross road. Is there not an easier way or another source to find this besides when it is to late. Just one of my concernes. Wittnessed a Expediter...
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    Internet Services

    What internet service or services do you use. Looked at T-Mobile can't get signed up in N.C. I know some of you must use a good one I see you post often, and assume you are Expediters, as we may not be truck drivers or are we?
  12. B

    Goodbye Astro, hello Big 'B'!

  13. B


    Went and did research on this today so for anyone who is intrested, I am joining a gym since I lost my membership at work for quitting. There is a Passport Program 3,000 gyms participate for 1-15 dollars you pay (most being$5) go to put in the city you are in and they all...
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    Since my truck is delayed AGAIN I keep thinking of more questions to ask. Does anyone with a D unit or smaller utilize gyms to work out and shower at? They are usually very slow during the day when we are also? I am going to look into this was curious if anyone belongs to a good chain. Is it...
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    Power service additives

    You sent me on a mission to Walmart I went purchased 4 gallons of the stuff, then looked up the web site and posts had people saying how it improved their mpg. Not sure about oil additives if they really are good for a new truck or not.
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    Power service additives

    Do these products really increase mpg? Is Diesel Lube Oil Extender good for a new engine and how about the Air Brake Antifreeze.
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    Fuel Additives for Winter

    Thanks for the advice. Do you recall how much a case is?
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    Communications W/FECC

    Can I have some input on phones and pagers, Phone can be used as a text message/phone. Any need to have a seperate text message pager. I have one left over from my last business, but cost is around $30.00 a month to hook back up. Phone plan covers 98% of Eastern U.S. How many minutes do most...
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    Fuel Additives for Winter

    Any Suggestions, Cummins ISC, Rigmaster Generator.
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    I am lucky the truck is nicer than Mr. Patels, just wanting a to relax and do wash for a bed sheets for a 34 hour period. Am enjoying all of the Posts.