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  1. greg334

    women's safety

    Leo, this is good but the first rule for anyone, especially women is to have some formal training, maybe a couple evening personal defense class that allows you to practice a couple things. The other is as follows; 2. Learned this from a tourist guide in New Orleans. If a robber asks for your...
  2. greg334

    Got Salvation..???

    Yes, arkjarhead that is exactly what I meant, prophet = teacher = one who inspires. As for JW, it is not h*ll that I am really talking about, it is about the reasoning behind their 'not get in your face to tell a message' attitude. The three major religions have a lot in common and are a lot...
  3. greg334

    Missing Cable

    Yea Cheri it is only cable cable, you could have ripped an entire trunk feed for the phone company off the pole and drove down the road with it.
  4. greg334

    Got Salvation..???

    FG, “I would admittedly deny that "this is a fact".!! You sir don’t know the history of either man or the Bible. â€Why, because there are far more copies of Biblical manuscripts than for any other book on this planet. These copies prove that the Bible has not been changed.†Bibles...
  5. greg334

    Got Salvation..???

    FG, I am not trying to pick on you or say that you are wrong to post as some do but I am compelled to post something due to a reality that I had to deal with this morning. I had breakfast with several people today of several religions, it is something I have not done in a while and regularly...
  6. greg334

    Lasik Eye Surgery

    Also don't forget to take in consideration your past history with glasses. I mean some people's eye change all the time and your prescription changes often and if you want to eliminate glasses, it may be you will be rid of the for only a few years. doctors will tell you otherwise but they...
  7. greg334

    Your answer is?

    You are being interviewed on national television and asked this question; Recent polls have shown a fifth of Americans can't locate the United States on a world map. Why do you think this is? And you, as the representative of the youth of America respond with this answer; I personally...
  8. greg334


    Pappy, I wonder how many really get that.
  9. greg334

    US Customs Raises Rates

    RE: RE%3A US Customs Raises Rates Oh come on Phil, I added to it, with a couple exceptions. It is good, I said this right from the start.
  10. greg334

    US Customs Raises Rates

    Phil, This is good but..... There are a couple things that really need to be added or changed on your list. I have crossed the border thousands of times over my lifetime. 1. Both co-drivers in the front seats when you approach the check booths. 2. If it is night time, turn on the cab...
  11. greg334

    Parade Season, again...

    I don't mean to be a smart a** but I have a serious question for you all that I am passing on. To preface the question, I sent over the entire thread to someone who is gay (big activist and we get into rather heated arguments over this and other issues) and asked her what she thought about it...
  12. greg334

    No, We're Not At All Shocked!!

    The southeast Michigan transportation system is the most heavily subsidized system in the world, more specifically the Detroit portion of the system (DOT) with the per rider subsidy coming in at $1.90 where the cost to the ride ranges from nothing to $1.50. This system, like the city itself is...
  13. greg334

    Stop that!

    RE: Again? pellgrn, 3 million? the truck would have to run 360 days out of the year at 830 miles a day without any breaks - 300,000 a year
  14. greg334

    Reset Buttons?

    Owners manual should have a list of fuses and relays, start there.
  15. greg334

    Reset Buttons?

    NP did you check the relay for the fan?
  16. greg334

    Reset Buttons?

    Those are seals for the connectors.
  17. greg334

    Parade Season, again...

    Dr. Moot, I wish I had my collection of books at my finger tips so I can specifically reference the exact book he wrote but alas that collection is in storage.
  18. greg334

    US Customs Raises Rates

    RE: RE%3A US Customs Raises Rates "Wouldn't you risk being illegal in your home state, or many others?" Diesel, Nope not at all, you first have the original plate on the truck and second you have the registration and other paperwork with the proper plate to begin with. The idea of using the...
  19. greg334

    Parade Season, again...

    Then with Cheri's added comments, I think the great philosopher Moot is following the theories of Festinger and cognitive dissonance which apparently apply to some of the posts. Cognitive dissonance, to be put simpler is a conflicting tension within one's minds resulting from engaging in...
  20. greg334

    Birthday! happy birthday to me

    happy birthday to me? it ain't my birthday